Escape paths when used in a selector

./a."abc" gets parsed as App (./a.) "abc"
when pretty printing, it is necessary to escape the path to
${./a}."abc" so that it is then parsed correctly.
This commit is contained in:
Matthew Pickering 2018-05-05 22:56:56 +00:00
parent 34d0552517
commit ae0167110d
2 changed files with 25 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ nixString = lexeme (doubleQuoted <+> indented <?> "string")
(Plain <$> ("''" <$ char '\'' <+> "$" <$ char '$')) <+> do
_ <- char '\\'
c <- escapeCode
pure $ if c == 'n'
pure $ if c == '\n'
then EscapedNewline
else Plain $ singleton c

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@ -49,13 +49,21 @@ data NixDoc = NixDoc
-- operator. It is needed to determine if we need to wrap the expression in
-- parentheses.
, rootOp :: OperatorInfo
, wasPath :: Bool -- This is needed so that when a path is used in a selector path
-- we can add brackets appropiately
mkNixDoc :: Doc -> OperatorInfo -> NixDoc
mkNixDoc d o = NixDoc { withoutParens = d, rootOp = o, wasPath = False }
-- | A simple expression is never wrapped in parentheses. The expression
-- behaves as if its root operator had a precedence higher than all
-- other operators (including function application).
simpleExpr :: Doc -> NixDoc
simpleExpr = flip NixDoc $ OperatorInfo minBound NAssocNone "simple expr"
simpleExpr d = mkNixDoc d (OperatorInfo minBound NAssocNone "simple expr")
pathExpr :: Doc -> NixDoc
pathExpr d = (simpleExpr d) { wasPath = True }
-- | An expression that behaves as if its root operator had a precedence lower
-- than all other operators. That ensures that the expression is wrapped in
@ -64,7 +72,7 @@ simpleExpr = flip NixDoc $ OperatorInfo minBound NAssocNone "simple expr"
-- binding).
leastPrecedence :: Doc -> NixDoc
leastPrecedence =
flip NixDoc $ OperatorInfo maxBound NAssocNone "least precedence"
flip mkNixDoc $ OperatorInfo maxBound NAssocNone "least precedence"
appOp :: OperatorInfo
appOp = getBinaryOperator NApp
@ -86,6 +94,13 @@ wrapParens op sub
&& associativity op /= NAssocNone = withoutParens sub
| otherwise = parens $ withoutParens sub
-- Used in the selector case to print a path in a selector as
-- "${./abc}"
wrapPath :: OperatorInfo -> NixDoc -> Doc
wrapPath op sub =
if wasPath sub then dquotes (text "$" <> braces (withoutParens sub))
else wrapParens op sub
prettyString :: NString NixDoc -> Doc
prettyString (DoubleQuoted parts) = dquotes . hcat . map prettyPart $ parts
where prettyPart (Plain t) = text . concatMap escape . unpack $ t
@ -174,8 +189,8 @@ exprFNixDoc = \case
NAbs args body -> leastPrecedence $
nest 2 ((prettyParams args <> colon) <$> withoutParens body)
NBinary NApp fun arg ->
NixDoc (wrapParens appOp fun <+> wrapParens appOpNonAssoc arg) appOp
NBinary op r1 r2 -> flip NixDoc opInfo $ hsep
mkNixDoc (wrapParens appOp fun <+> wrapParens appOpNonAssoc arg) appOp
NBinary op r1 r2 -> flip mkNixDoc opInfo $ hsep
[ wrapParens (f NAssocLeft) r1
, text $ unpack $ operatorName opInfo
, wrapParens (f NAssocRight) r2
@ -185,16 +200,16 @@ exprFNixDoc = \case
f x | associativity opInfo /= x = opInfo { associativity = NAssocNone }
| otherwise = opInfo
NUnary op r1 ->
NixDoc (text (unpack (operatorName opInfo)) <> wrapParens opInfo r1) opInfo
mkNixDoc (text (unpack (operatorName opInfo)) <> wrapParens opInfo r1) opInfo
where opInfo = getUnaryOperator op
NSelect r attr o ->
(if isJust o then leastPrecedence else flip NixDoc selectOp) $
wrapParens selectOp r <> dot <> prettySelector attr <> ordoc
(if isJust o then leastPrecedence else flip mkNixDoc selectOp) $
wrapPath selectOp r <> dot <> prettySelector attr <> ordoc
where ordoc = maybe empty (((space <> text "or") <+>) . wrapParens selectOp) o
NHasAttr r attr ->
NixDoc (wrapParens hasAttrOp r <+> text "?" <+> prettySelector attr) hasAttrOp
mkNixDoc (wrapParens hasAttrOp r <+> text "?" <+> prettySelector attr) hasAttrOp
NEnvPath p -> simpleExpr $ text ("<" ++ p ++ ">")
NLiteralPath p -> simpleExpr $ text $ case p of
NLiteralPath p -> pathExpr $ text $ case p of
"./" -> "./."
"../" -> "../."
".." -> "../."