{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} -- | Although there are a lot of instances in this file, really it's just a -- combinatorial explosion of the following combinations: -- -- - Several Haskell types being converted to/from Nix wrappers -- - Several types of Nix wrappers -- - Whether to be shallow or deep while unwrapping module Nix.Convert where import Control.Monad.Free import Data.ByteString import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Text ( Text ) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Text.Encoding ( encodeUtf8 , decodeUtf8 ) import Nix.Atoms import Nix.Effects import Nix.Expr.Types import Nix.Expr.Types.Annotated import Nix.Frames import Nix.String import Nix.Value import Nix.Value.Monad import Nix.Thunk import Nix.Utils newtype Deeper a = Deeper { getDeeper :: a } deriving (Typeable, Functor, Foldable, Traversable) {- IMPORTANT NOTE We used to have Text instances of FromValue, ToValue, FromNix, and ToNix. However, we're removing these instances because they are dangerous due to the fact that they hide the way string contexts are handled. It's better to have to explicitly handle string context in a way that is appropriate for the situation. Do not add these instances back! -} {----------------------------------------------------------------------- FromValue -----------------------------------------------------------------------} class FromValue a m v where fromValue :: v -> m a fromValueMay :: v -> m (Maybe a) type Convertible e t f m = (Framed e m, MonadDataErrorContext t f m, MonadThunk t m (NValue t f m)) instance ( Convertible e t f m , MonadValue (NValue t f m) m , FromValue a m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) ) => FromValue a m (NValue t f m) where fromValueMay = flip demand $ \case Pure t -> force t fromValueMay Free v -> fromValueMay v fromValue = flip demand $ \case Pure t -> force t fromValue Free v -> fromValue v instance ( Convertible e t f m , MonadValue (NValue t f m) m , FromValue a m (Deeper (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m))) ) => FromValue a m (Deeper (NValue t f m)) where fromValueMay (Deeper v) = demand v $ \case Pure t -> force t (fromValueMay . Deeper) Free v -> fromValueMay (Deeper v) fromValue (Deeper v) = demand v $ \case Pure t -> force t (fromValue . Deeper) Free v -> fromValue (Deeper v) instance Convertible e t f m => FromValue () m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where fromValueMay = \case NVConstant' NNull -> pure $ Just () _ -> pure Nothing fromValue v = fromValueMay v >>= \case Just b -> pure b _ -> throwError $ Expectation @t @f @m TNull (Free v) instance Convertible e t f m => FromValue Bool m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where fromValueMay = \case NVConstant' (NBool b) -> pure $ Just b _ -> pure Nothing fromValue v = fromValueMay v >>= \case Just b -> pure b _ -> throwError $ Expectation @t @f @m TBool (Free v) instance Convertible e t f m => FromValue Int m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where fromValueMay = \case NVConstant' (NInt b) -> pure $ Just (fromInteger b) _ -> pure Nothing fromValue v = fromValueMay v >>= \case Just b -> pure b _ -> throwError $ Expectation @t @f @m TInt (Free v) instance Convertible e t f m => FromValue Integer m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where fromValueMay = \case NVConstant' (NInt b) -> pure $ Just b _ -> pure Nothing fromValue v = fromValueMay v >>= \case Just b -> pure b _ -> throwError $ Expectation @t @f @m TInt (Free v) instance Convertible e t f m => FromValue Float m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where fromValueMay = \case NVConstant' (NFloat b) -> pure $ Just b NVConstant' (NInt i) -> pure $ Just (fromInteger i) _ -> pure Nothing fromValue v = fromValueMay v >>= \case Just b -> pure b _ -> throwError $ Expectation @t @f @m TFloat (Free v) instance ( Convertible e t f m , MonadValue (NValue t f m) m , MonadEffects t f m ) => FromValue NixString m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where fromValueMay = \case NVStr' ns -> pure $ Just ns NVPath' p -> Just . hackyMakeNixStringWithoutContext . Text.pack . unStorePath <$> addPath p NVSet' s _ -> case M.lookup "outPath" s of Nothing -> pure Nothing Just p -> fromValueMay p _ -> pure Nothing fromValue v = fromValueMay v >>= \case Just b -> pure b _ -> throwError $ Expectation @t @f @m (TString NoContext) (Free v) instance Convertible e t f m => FromValue ByteString m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where fromValueMay = \case NVStr' ns -> pure $ encodeUtf8 <$> hackyGetStringNoContext ns _ -> pure Nothing fromValue v = fromValueMay v >>= \case Just b -> pure b _ -> throwError $ Expectation @t @f @m (TString NoContext) (Free v) newtype Path = Path { getPath :: FilePath } deriving Show instance ( Convertible e t f m , MonadValue (NValue t f m) m ) => FromValue Path m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where fromValueMay = \case NVPath' p -> pure $ Just (Path p) NVStr' ns -> pure $ Path . Text.unpack <$> hackyGetStringNoContext ns NVSet' s _ -> case M.lookup "outPath" s of Nothing -> pure Nothing Just p -> fromValueMay @Path p _ -> pure Nothing fromValue v = fromValueMay v >>= \case Just b -> pure b _ -> throwError $ Expectation @t @f @m TPath (Free v) instance Convertible e t f m => FromValue [NValue t f m] m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where fromValueMay = \case NVList' l -> pure $ Just l _ -> pure Nothing fromValue v = fromValueMay v >>= \case Just b -> pure b _ -> throwError $ Expectation @t @f @m TList (Free v) instance ( Convertible e t f m , FromValue a m (NValue t f m) ) => FromValue [a] m (Deeper (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m))) where fromValueMay = \case Deeper (NVList' l) -> sequence <$> traverse fromValueMay l _ -> pure Nothing fromValue v = fromValueMay v >>= \case Just b -> pure b _ -> throwError $ Expectation @t @f @m TList (Free (getDeeper v)) instance Convertible e t f m => FromValue (AttrSet (NValue t f m)) m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where fromValueMay = \case NVSet' s _ -> pure $ Just s _ -> pure Nothing fromValue v = fromValueMay v >>= \case Just b -> pure b _ -> throwError $ Expectation @t @f @m TSet (Free v) instance ( Convertible e t f m , FromValue a m (NValue t f m) ) => FromValue (AttrSet a) m (Deeper (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m))) where fromValueMay = \case Deeper (NVSet' s _) -> sequence <$> traverse fromValueMay s _ -> pure Nothing fromValue v = fromValueMay v >>= \case Just b -> pure b _ -> throwError $ Expectation @t @f @m TSet (Free (getDeeper v)) instance Convertible e t f m => FromValue (AttrSet (NValue t f m), AttrSet SourcePos) m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where fromValueMay = \case NVSet' s p -> pure $ Just (s, p) _ -> pure Nothing fromValue v = fromValueMay v >>= \case Just b -> pure b _ -> throwError $ Expectation @t @f @m TSet (Free v) instance ( Convertible e t f m , FromValue a m (NValue t f m) ) => FromValue (AttrSet a, AttrSet SourcePos) m (Deeper (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m))) where fromValueMay = \case Deeper (NVSet' s p) -> fmap (, p) . sequence <$> traverse fromValueMay s _ -> pure Nothing fromValue v = fromValueMay v >>= \case Just b -> pure b _ -> throwError $ Expectation @t @f @m TSet (Free (getDeeper v)) -- This instance needs IncoherentInstances, and only because of ToBuiltin instance ( Convertible e t f m , FromValue a m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) ) => FromValue a m (Deeper (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m))) where fromValueMay = fromValueMay . getDeeper fromValue = fromValue . getDeeper {----------------------------------------------------------------------- ToValue -----------------------------------------------------------------------} class ToValue a m v where toValue :: a -> m v instance (Convertible e t f m, ToValue a m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m))) => ToValue a m (NValue t f m) where toValue = fmap Free . toValue instance ( Convertible e t f m , ToValue a m (Deeper (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m))) ) => ToValue a m (Deeper (NValue t f m)) where toValue = fmap (fmap Free) . toValue instance Convertible e t f m => ToValue () m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where toValue _ = pure . nvConstant' $ NNull instance Convertible e t f m => ToValue Bool m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where toValue = pure . nvConstant' . NBool instance Convertible e t f m => ToValue Int m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where toValue = pure . nvConstant' . NInt . toInteger instance Convertible e t f m => ToValue Integer m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where toValue = pure . nvConstant' . NInt instance Convertible e t f m => ToValue Float m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where toValue = pure . nvConstant' . NFloat instance Convertible e t f m => ToValue NixString m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where toValue = pure . nvStr' instance Convertible e t f m => ToValue ByteString m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where toValue = pure . nvStr' . hackyMakeNixStringWithoutContext . decodeUtf8 instance Convertible e t f m => ToValue Path m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where toValue = pure . nvPath' . getPath instance Convertible e t f m => ToValue StorePath m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where toValue = toValue . Path . unStorePath instance ( Convertible e t f m ) => ToValue SourcePos m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where toValue (SourcePos f l c) = do f' <- toValue (principledMakeNixStringWithoutContext (Text.pack f)) l' <- toValue (unPos l) c' <- toValue (unPos c) let pos = M.fromList [("file" :: Text, f'), ("line", l'), ("column", c')] pure $ nvSet' pos mempty -- | With 'ToValue', we can always act recursively instance Convertible e t f m => ToValue [NValue t f m] m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where toValue = pure . nvList' instance (Convertible e t f m, ToValue a m (NValue t f m)) => ToValue [a] m (Deeper (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m))) where toValue = fmap (Deeper . nvList') . traverse toValue instance Convertible e t f m => ToValue (AttrSet (NValue t f m)) m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where toValue s = pure $ nvSet' s mempty instance (Convertible e t f m, ToValue a m (NValue t f m)) => ToValue (AttrSet a) m (Deeper (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m))) where toValue s = (Deeper .) . nvSet' <$> traverse toValue s <*> pure mempty instance Convertible e t f m => ToValue (AttrSet (NValue t f m), AttrSet SourcePos) m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where toValue (s, p) = pure $ nvSet' s p instance (Convertible e t f m, ToValue a m (NValue t f m)) => ToValue (AttrSet a, AttrSet SourcePos) m (Deeper (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m))) where toValue (s, p) = (Deeper .) . nvSet' <$> traverse toValue s <*> pure p instance Convertible e t f m => ToValue NixLikeContextValue m (NValue' t f m (NValue t f m)) where toValue nlcv = do path <- if nlcvPath nlcv then Just <$> toValue True else pure Nothing allOutputs <- if nlcvAllOutputs nlcv then Just <$> toValue True else pure Nothing outputs <- do let outputs = principledMakeNixStringWithoutContext <$> nlcvOutputs nlcv ts :: [NValue t f m] <- traverse toValue outputs case ts of [] -> pure Nothing _ -> Just <$> toValue ts pure $ flip nvSet' M.empty $ M.fromList $ catMaybes [ ("path",) <$> path , ("allOutputs",) <$> allOutputs , ("outputs",) <$> outputs ] instance Convertible e t f m => ToValue () m (NExprF (NValue t f m)) where toValue _ = pure . NConstant $ NNull instance Convertible e t f m => ToValue Bool m (NExprF (NValue t f m)) where toValue = pure . NConstant . NBool