# Changelog ## [(diff)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/compare/0.11.0...master#files_bucket) Progress ## [(diff)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/compare/0.10.1...0.11.0#files_bucket) 0.11.0 (2020-11-02) * Breaking: * [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/pull/740) Deleted incorrect `instance Generic1 NKeyName` from `module Nix.Expr.Types`. * [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/pull/739) Parentheses now are properly included in the location annotation for Nix expressions, change of `nixParens` in `module Nix.Parser` essentially results in the change of all module `nix*` function results, essentially making results of the whole module more proper. * Additional: * [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/pull/741) Fix QQ Text lifting error: work around of [GHC#12596 "can't find interface-file declaration"](https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/12596). * [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/pull/744) Fix comments inclusion into location annotations, by using pre-whitespace position for source end locations. ### [(diff)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/compare/0.10.0...0.10.1#files_bucket) 0.10.1 (2020-09-13) * Additional: * [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/pull/715) `{Binding, NExpr, NExprF, NKeyName}` gained `Ord1` instances. * These instances were required by downstream projects to be able to use newer HNix. * [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/pull/712) CLI gained `--long-version` option for gathering a detailed debug information. * Currently, reports Git commit and its date. * [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/issues/718) Currently does not work in case of use of the `nix-build`, in which case simply returns `UNKNOWN` placeholder. ## [(diff)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/compare/0.9.1...0.10.0#files_bucket) 0.10.0 (2020-09-12) * Breaking: * [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/pull/699) Removed `NExpr` `{FromJSON, ToJSON}` instances. * This also removed the JSON output feature for unevaluated expression trees. * Additional: * [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/pull/703) CLI gained `--version` option. * Dependencies: * [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/pull/686) Requires last major `data-fix` (`0.3`). * [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/pull/679) Requires last major `prettyprinter` (`1.7`). ### [(diff)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/compare/0.9.0...0.9.1#files_bucket) 0.9.1 (2020-07-13) * Additional: * REPL: * Better tab completion. * Accepting multi-line input. * Support for passing evaluated expression result of `hnix --eval -E`. to REPL as an `input` variable. * Support for loading `.hnixrc` from the current directory. * Reporting of `builtins.nixVersion` bumped from 2.0 to 2.3. * Dependencies: * Freed from: `{interpolate, contravariant, semigroups, generic-random, tasty-quickcheck}`. * Requires last major `repline` (`0.4`). ## [(diff)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/compare/0.8.0...0.9.0#files_bucket) 0.9.0 (2020-06-15) * Breaking: * Removed instances due to migration to `haskeline 0.8`: * `instance MonadException m => MonadException(StateT(HashMap FilePath NExprLoc) m)`. * `instance MonadException m => MonadException(Fix1T StandardTF m)`. * Dependencies: * Requires last major `haskeline` (`0.8`). * Additional: * Library: Official support for `GHC 8.4 - 8.10`. * Executable complies only under `GHC 8.10`. * Changelog started. Previous release was `0.8.0`. --- HNix uses [PVP Versioning][1]. [1]: https://pvp.haskell.org