module Main where import Control.Monad import Data.List (isInfixOf) import qualified EvalTests import qualified NixLanguageTests import qualified ParserTests import qualified PrettyTests import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.Posix.Files import System.Process import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit cabalCorrectlyGenerated :: Assertion cabalCorrectlyGenerated = do output <- readCreateProcess (shell "hpack") "" when ("modified manually" `isInfixOf` output) $ errorWithoutStackTrace "Edit package.yaml and re-generate hnix.cabal by running \"hpack\"" ensureLangTestsPresent :: Assertion ensureLangTestsPresent = do exist <- fileExist "data/nix/tests/" unless exist $ errorWithoutStackTrace $ unlines [ "Directory data/nix does not have any files." , "Did you forget to run" ++ " \"git submodule update --init --recursive\"?" ] ensureNixpkgsCanParse :: Assertion ensureNixpkgsCanParse = do -- jww (2018-04-10): Use hnix to parse default.nix and pull this data from there! path <- readCreateProcess (shell "nix-instantiate --eval --expr '\"${let hostPkgs = import {}; in hostPkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = \"NixOS\"; repo = \"nixpkgs-channels\"; rev = \"ee28e35ba37ab285fc29e4a09f26235ffe4123e2\"; sha256 = \"0a6xrqjj2ihkz1bizhy5r843n38xgimzw5s2mfc42kk2rgc95gw5\"; }}\"'") "" (exit, _, errs) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode (shell $ "find " ++ init path ++ " -name '*.nix' | ./dist/build/hnix/hnix --ignore-errors --parse-only -f - > /dev/null") "" unless (exit == ExitSuccess) $ errorWithoutStackTrace errs main :: IO () main = do nixLanguageTests <- NixLanguageTests.genTests langTestsEnv <- lookupEnv "LANGUAGE_TESTS" nixpkgsTestsEnv <- lookupEnv "NIXPKGS_TESTS" let runLangTests = langTestsEnv == Just "yes" let runNixpkgsTests = nixpkgsTestsEnv == Just "yes" defaultMain $ testGroup "hnix" $ [ testCase "hnix.cabal correctly generated" cabalCorrectlyGenerated ] ++ [ ParserTests.tests , EvalTests.tests , PrettyTests.tests ] ++ [ testCase "Nix languarge tests present" ensureLangTestsPresent | runLangTests ] ++ [ nixLanguageTests | runLangTests ] ++ [ testCase "Nixpkgs parses without errors" ensureNixpkgsCanParse | runNixpkgsTests ]