{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module NixLanguageTests (genTests) where import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.ST import Data.List (delete, sort) import Data.List.Split (splitOn) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import GHC.Exts import Nix.Lint import Nix.Options import Nix.Parser import Nix.Pretty import Nix.Stack import Nix.Utils import Nix.XML import qualified Options.Applicative as Opts import System.FilePath import System.FilePath.Glob (compile, globDir1) import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import TestCommon {- From (git://nix)/tests/lang.sh we see that lang/parse-fail-*.nix -> parsing should fail lang/parse-okay-*.nix -> parsing should succeed lang/eval-fail-*.nix -> eval should fail lang/eval-okay-*.{nix,xml} -> eval should succeed, xml dump should be the same as the .xml lang/eval-okay-*.{nix,exp} -> eval should succeed, plain text output should be the same as the .exp lang/eval-okay-*.{nix,exp,flags} -> eval should succeed, plain text output should be the same as the .exp, pass the extra flags to nix-instantiate NIX_PATH=lang/dir3:lang/dir4 should be in the environment of all eval-okay-*.nix evaluations TEST_VAR=foo should be in all the environments # for eval-okay-getenv.nix -} groupBy :: Ord k => (v -> k) -> [v] -> Map k [v] groupBy key = Map.fromListWith (++) . map (key &&& pure) genTests :: IO TestTree genTests = do testFiles <- sort . filter ((/= ".xml") . takeExtension) <$> globDir1 (compile "*-*-*.*") "data/nix/tests/lang" let testsByName = groupBy (takeFileName . dropExtensions) testFiles let testsByType = groupBy testType (Map.toList testsByName) let testGroups = map mkTestGroup (Map.toList testsByType) return $ localOption (mkTimeout 2000000) $ testGroup "Nix (upstream) language tests" testGroups where testType (fullpath, _files) = take 2 $ splitOn "-" $ takeFileName fullpath mkTestGroup (kind, tests) = testGroup (unwords kind) $ map (mkTestCase kind) tests mkTestCase kind (basename, files) = testCase (takeFileName basename) $ case kind of ["parse", "okay"] -> assertParse defaultOptions $ the files ["parse", "fail"] -> assertParseFail defaultOptions $ the files ["eval", "okay"] -> assertEval files ["eval", "fail"] -> assertEvalFail $ the files _ -> error $ "Unexpected: " ++ show kind assertParse :: Options -> FilePath -> Assertion assertParse _opts file = parseNixFileLoc file >>= \case -- jww (2018-04-10): TODO Success _expr -> return () -- pure $! runST $ void $ lint opts expr Failure err -> assertFailure $ "Failed to parse " ++ file ++ ":\n" ++ show err assertParseFail :: Options -> FilePath -> Assertion assertParseFail opts file = do eres <- parseNixFileLoc file catch (case eres of Success expr -> do _ <- pure $! runST $ void $ lint opts expr assertFailure $ "Unexpected success parsing `" ++ file ++ ":\nParsed value: " ++ show expr Failure _ -> return ()) $ \(_ :: SomeException) -> return () assertLangOk :: Options -> FilePath -> Assertion assertLangOk opts file = do actual <- printNix <$> hnixEvalFile opts (file ++ ".nix") expected <- Text.readFile $ file ++ ".exp" assertEqual "" expected $ Text.pack (actual ++ "\n") assertLangOkXml :: Options -> FilePath -> Assertion assertLangOkXml opts file = do actual <- toXML <$> hnixEvalFile opts (file ++ ".nix") expected <- Text.readFile $ file ++ ".exp.xml" assertEqual "" expected $ Text.pack actual assertEval :: [FilePath] -> Assertion assertEval files = catch go $ \case NixEvalException str -> error $ "Evaluation error: " ++ str where go = case delete ".nix" $ sort $ map takeExtensions files of [] -> assertLangOkXml defaultOptions name [".exp"] -> assertLangOk defaultOptions name [".exp.disabled"] -> return () [".exp-disabled"] -> return () [".exp", ".flags"] -> do flags <- Text.readFile (name ++ ".flags") let flags' | Text.last flags == '\n' = Text.init flags | otherwise = flags case Opts.execParserPure Opts.defaultPrefs nixOptionsInfo (fixup (map Text.unpack (Text.splitOn " " flags'))) of Opts.Failure err -> errorWithoutStackTrace $ "Error parsing flags from " ++ name ++ ".flags: " ++ show err Opts.Success opts -> assertLangOk (opts { include = include opts ++ [ "nix=../../../../data/nix/corepkgs" , "lang/dir4" ] }) name Opts.CompletionInvoked _ -> error "unused" _ -> assertFailure $ "Unknown test type " ++ show files where name = "data/nix/tests/lang/" ++ the (map (takeFileName . dropExtensions) files) fixup ("--arg":x:y:rest) = "--arg":(x ++ "=" ++ y):fixup rest fixup ("--argstr":x:y:rest) = "--argstr":(x ++ "=" ++ y):fixup rest fixup (x:rest) = x:fixup rest fixup [] = [] assertEvalFail :: FilePath -> Assertion assertEvalFail file = catch ?? (\(_ :: SomeException) -> return ()) $ do evalResult <- printNix <$> hnixEvalFile defaultOptions file evalResult `seq` assertFailure $ file ++ " should not evaluate.\nThe evaluation result was `" ++ evalResult ++ "`."