{- This code was authored by: Stephen Diehl Kwang Yul Seo It was made available under the MIT license. See the src/Nix/Type directory for more details. -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-matches #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports #-} module Repl where import Nix import Nix.Eval import Nix.Scope import qualified Nix.Type.Env as Env import Nix.Type.Infer import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import Control.Monad.Identity import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Data.List (isPrefixOf, foldl') import Data.Text (unpack, pack) import qualified Data.Text as Text import System.Exit import System.Environment import System.Console.Repline ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Types ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data TermEnv data IState = IState { -- tyctx :: Env.Env -- Type environment -- , tmctx :: TermEnv -- Value environment } initState :: IState initState = IState {-Env.empty-} undefined type Repl a = HaskelineT (StateT IState IO) a hoistErr :: Result a -> Repl a hoistErr (Success val) = return val hoistErr (Failure err) = do liftIO $ print err abort ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Execution ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exec :: Bool -> Text.Text -> Repl () exec update source = do -- Get the current interpreter state st <- get -- Parser ( returns AST ) expr <- hoistErr $ parseNixTextLoc source -- Type Inference ( returns Typing Environment ) -- tyctx' <- hoistErr $ inferTop (tyctx st) expr -- Create the new environment let st' = st { tmctx = tmctx st -- foldl' evalDef (tmctx st) expr -- , tyctx = tyctx' <> tyctx st } -- Update the interpreter state when update (put st') -- If a value is entered, print it. val <- liftIO $ runLazyM defaultOptions $ evalTopLevelExprGen -- jww (2018-04-12): Once the user is able to establish definitions -- in the repl, they should be passed here. (pushScope @(NThunk (Lazy IO)) M.empty . framedEvalExpr (Nix.Eval.eval @_ @(NValue (Lazy IO)) @(NThunk (Lazy IO)) @(Lazy IO))) Nothing expr liftIO $ print val cmd :: String -> Repl () cmd source = exec True (Text.pack source) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- :browse command browse :: [String] -> Repl () browse _ = do st <- get undefined -- liftIO $ mapM_ putStrLn $ ppenv (tyctx st) -- :load command load :: [String] -> Repl () load args = do contents <- liftIO $ Text.readFile (unwords args) exec True contents -- :type command -- typeof :: [String] -> Repl () -- typeof args = do -- st <- get -- let arg = unwords args -- case Env.lookup (pack arg) (tyctx st) of -- Just val -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ undefined -- ppsignature (arg, val) -- Nothing -> exec False (Text.pack arg) -- :quit command quit :: a -> Repl () quit _ = liftIO exitSuccess ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Interactive Shell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Prefix tab completer defaultMatcher :: MonadIO m => [(String, CompletionFunc m)] defaultMatcher = [ (":load" , fileCompleter) --, (":type" , values) ] -- Default tab completer comp :: (Monad m, MonadState IState m) => WordCompleter m comp n = do let cmds = [":load", ":type", ":browse", ":quit"] -- Env.TypeEnv ctx <- gets tyctx -- let defs = map unpack $ Map.keys ctx return $ filter (isPrefixOf n) (cmds {-++ defs-}) options :: [(String, [String] -> Repl ())] options = [ ("load" , load) , ("browse" , browse) , ("quit" , quit) -- , ("type" , Repl.typeof) ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entry Point ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- completer :: CompleterStyle (StateT IState IO) completer = Prefix (wordCompleter comp) defaultMatcher shell :: Repl a -> IO () shell pre = flip evalStateT initState $ evalRepl "hnix> " cmd options completer pre ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Toplevel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- main :: IO () -- main = do -- args <- getArgs -- case args of -- [] -> shell (return ()) -- [fname] -> shell (load [fname]) -- ["test", fname] -> shell (load [fname] >> browse [] >> quit ()) -- _ -> putStrLn "invalid arguments"