
60 lines
1.8 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
module ReduceExprTests (tests) where
import Data.Fix
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Nix.Atoms
import Nix.Expr.Types
import Nix.Expr.Types.Annotated
import Nix.Parser
import Nix.Reduce (reduceExpr)
tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Expr Reductions"
[ testCase "Non nested NSelect on set should be reduced" $
cmpReduceResult selectBasic selectBasicExpect,
testCase "Nested NSelect on set should be reduced" $
cmpReduceResult selectNested selectNestedExpect,
testCase "Non nested NSelect with incorrect attrpath shouldn't be reduced" $
shouldntReduce selectIncorrectAttrPath,
testCase "Nested NSelect with incorrect attrpath shouldn't be reduced" $
shouldntReduce selectNestedIncorrectAttrPath
assertSucc :: Result a -> IO a
assertSucc (Success a) = pure a
assertSucc (Failure d) = assertFailure $ show d
cmpReduceResult :: Result NExprLoc -> NExpr -> Assertion
cmpReduceResult r e = do
r <- assertSucc r
r <- stripAnnotation <$> reduceExpr Nothing r
r @?= e
shouldntReduce :: Result NExprLoc -> Assertion
shouldntReduce r = do
r <- assertSucc r
rReduced <- reduceExpr Nothing r
r @?= rReduced
selectBasic :: Result NExprLoc
selectBasic = parseNixTextLoc "{b=2;a=42;}.a"
selectBasicExpect :: NExpr
selectBasicExpect = Fix . NConstant $ NInt 42
selectNested :: Result NExprLoc
selectNested = parseNixTextLoc "{a={b=2;a=42;};b={a=2;};}.a.a"
selectNestedExpect :: NExpr
selectNestedExpect = Fix . NConstant $ NInt 42
selectIncorrectAttrPath :: Result NExprLoc
selectIncorrectAttrPath = parseNixTextLoc "{a=42;}.b"
selectNestedIncorrectAttrPath :: Result NExprLoc
selectNestedIncorrectAttrPath = parseNixTextLoc "{a={a=42;};}.a.b"