
247 lines
9.4 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wno-orphans#-}
module PrettyParseTests where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Algorithm.Diff
import Data.Algorithm.DiffOutput
import Data.Char
import Data.Fix
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Generic.Random
import Nix.Atoms
import Nix.Expr
import Nix.Parser
import Nix.Pretty
import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Semigroup ()
import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Text ()
import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Property as P
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck hiding (Success, Failure)
import Text.Megaparsec (Pos, SourcePos, mkPos)
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen ((</>), text)
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as P
import qualified Text.Show.Pretty as PS
-- Instead of using the Generic arbitrary instance (which doesn't exist anyway
-- for Text), we use a different generator which just prints sensible looking
-- variable names
custom :: GenList '[Text]
custom = asciiText :@ Nil
asciiString :: Gen String
asciiString = do
n <- choose (1, 15)
replicateM n (elements ['a'..'z'])
asciiText :: Gen Text
asciiText = pack <$> asciiString
pcustom :: GenList '[Pos]
pcustom = arbitrary :@ Nil
-- | This generator generates selects one of the constructors uniformly and
-- also decreases the size of the generator by dividing by the branching
-- factor. This ensures sensible termination.
genArb :: (GArbitrary (Options 'Sized '[Text]) a, GUniformWeight a) => Gen a
genArb = genericArbitraryWith (setGenerators custom sizedOpts) uniform
-- Might want to replace this instance with a constant value
instance Arbitrary Pos where
arbitrary = mkPos <$> (getSmall <$> arbitrary `suchThat` (> 0))
instance Arbitrary (f (Fix f)) => Arbitrary (Fix f) where
arbitrary = genArb
instance Arbitrary f => Arbitrary (NString f) where
arbitrary = genArb
instance Arbitrary SourcePos where
arbitrary = genericArbitraryWith (setGenerators pcustom sizedOpts) uniform
instance Arbitrary f => Arbitrary (Binding f) where
arbitrary = genArb
instance Arbitrary f => Arbitrary (NKeyName f) where
arbitrary = oneof [ DynamicKey <$> arbitrary
, StaticKey <$> asciiText <*> arbitrary ]
instance Arbitrary f => Arbitrary (Params f) where
arbitrary =
oneof [ Param <$> asciiText
, ParamSet <$> listOf ((,) <$> asciiText <*> arbitrary) <*> arbitrary
<*> oneof [pure Nothing, Just <$> asciiText]
instance Arbitrary NAtom where
arbitrary =
oneof [ NInt <$> arbitrary `suchThat` (>= 0)
, NFloat <$> arbitrary `suchThat` (>= 0)
, NBool <$> arbitrary
, pure NNull
, NUri <$> asciiText `suchThat` (\x -> Text.length x > 0) ]
instance Arbitrary NUnaryOp where
arbitrary = genArb
instance Arbitrary NBinaryOp where
arbitrary = genArb
instance (Arbitrary f) => Arbitrary (Antiquoted Text f) where
arbitrary = genArb
instance (Arbitrary f) => Arbitrary (Antiquoted (NString f) f) where
arbitrary = genArb
-- This is written by hand so we can use `fairList` rather than the normal
-- list Arbitrary instance which makes the generator terminate. The
-- distribution is not scientifically chosen.
instance Arbitrary f => Arbitrary (NExprF f) where
arbitrary =
sized $ \n ->
if n < 2
then oneof [genConstant, genStr, genSym, genLiteralPath, genEnvPath ]
[ ( 1, genConstant)
, ( 1, genSym)
, ( 4, resize (n `div` 3) genIf)
, (10, genRecSet )
, (20, genSet )
, ( 5, genList )
, ( 2, genUnary )
, ( 2, resize (n `div` 3) genBinary )
, ( 3, resize (n `div` 3) genSelect )
, (20, resize (n `div` 2) genAbs )
, ( 2, resize (n `div` 2) genHasAttr )
, (10, resize (n `div` 2) genLet )
, (10, resize (n `div` 2) genWith )
, ( 1, resize (n `div` 2) genAssert)
genConstant = NConstant <$> arbitrary
genStr = NStr <$> arbitrary
genSym = NSym <$> asciiText
genList = NList <$> fairList arbitrary
genSet = NSet <$> fairList arbitrary
genRecSet = NRecSet <$> fairList arbitrary
genLiteralPath = NLiteralPath . ("./" ++) <$> asciiString
genEnvPath = NEnvPath <$> asciiString
genUnary = NUnary <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
genBinary = NBinary <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
genSelect = NSelect <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
genHasAttr = NHasAttr <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
genAbs = NAbs <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
genLet = NLet <$> fairList arbitrary <*> arbitrary
genIf = NIf <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
genWith = NWith <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
genAssert = NAssert <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
-- | Useful when there are recursive positions at each element of the list as
-- it divides the size by the length of the generated list.
fairList :: Gen a -> Gen [a]
fairList g = do
s <- getSize
k <- choose (0, s)
-- Use max here to avoid dividing by zero when there is the empty list
resize (s `div` max 1 k) $ vectorOf k g
equivUpToNormalization :: NExpr -> NExpr -> Bool
equivUpToNormalization x y = normalize x == normalize y
normalize :: NExpr -> NExpr
normalize = cata $ \case
NConstant (NInt n) | n < 0 -> Fix (NUnary NNeg (Fix (NConstant (NInt (negate n)))))
NConstant (NFloat n) | n < 0 -> Fix (NUnary NNeg (Fix (NConstant (NFloat (negate n)))))
NSet binds -> Fix (NSet (map normBinding binds))
NRecSet binds -> Fix (NRecSet (map normBinding binds))
NLet binds r -> Fix (NLet (map normBinding binds) r)
NAbs params r -> Fix (NAbs (normParams params) r)
r -> Fix r
normBinding (NamedVar path r) = NamedVar ( normKey path) r
normBinding (Inherit mr names) = Inherit mr (map normKey names)
normKey (DynamicKey quoted) = DynamicKey (normAntiquotedString quoted)
normKey (StaticKey name _) = StaticKey name Nothing
normAntiquotedString :: Antiquoted (NString NExpr) NExpr
-> Antiquoted (NString NExpr) NExpr
normAntiquotedString (Plain (DoubleQuoted [EscapedNewline])) =
normAntiquotedString (Plain (DoubleQuoted strs)) =
let strs' = map normAntiquotedText strs
in if strs == strs'
then Plain (DoubleQuoted strs)
else normAntiquotedString (Plain (DoubleQuoted strs'))
normAntiquotedString r = r
normAntiquotedText :: Antiquoted Text NExpr -> Antiquoted Text NExpr
normAntiquotedText (Plain "\n") = EscapedNewline
normAntiquotedText (Plain "''\n") = EscapedNewline
normAntiquotedText r = r
normParams (ParamSet binds var (Just "")) = ParamSet binds var Nothing
normParams r = r
-- | Test that parse . pretty == id up to attribute position information.
prop_prettyparse :: NExpr -> P.Result
prop_prettyparse p =
let prog = show (pretty p)
in case parse (pack prog) of
Failure s -> P.rejected
{ P.reason = show $
text "Parse failed:" </> text (show s)
P.<$> P.indent 2 (pretty p) }
Success v
| equivUpToNormalization p v -> P.succeeded
| otherwise ->
let pp = normalise prog
pv = normalise (show (pretty v))
in (P.liftBool (pp == pv))
{ P.reason = show $
text "----------------------------------------"
P.<$> text "Expr before:" P.<$> P.indent 2 (text (PS.ppShow p))
P.<$> text "----------------------------------------"
P.<$> text "Expr after:" P.<$> P.indent 2 (text (PS.ppShow v))
P.<$> text "----------------------------------------"
P.<$> text "Pretty before:" P.<$> P.indent 2 (text prog)
P.<$> text "----------------------------------------"
P.<$> text "Pretty after:" P.<$> P.indent 2 (pretty v)
P.<$> text "----------------------------------------"
P.<$> text "Normalised before:" P.<$> P.indent 2 (text pp)
P.<$> text "----------------------------------------"
P.<$> text "Normalised after:" P.<$> P.indent 2 (text pv)
P.<$> text "========================================"
P.<$> text "Normalised diff:"
P.<$> text (ppDiff (diff pp pv))
P.<$> text "========================================"
pretty = prettyNix
parse = parseNixText
normalise = unlines . map (reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse) . lines
diff :: String -> String -> [Diff [String]]
diff s1 s2 = getDiff (map (:[]) (lines s1)) (map (:[]) (lines s2))
tests :: Int -> TestTree
tests n = testProperty "Pretty/Parse Property" $
withMaxSuccess n prop_prettyparse