2019-03-12 07:21:24 -07:00

453 lines
17 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-pattern-synonym-signatures #-}
module Nix.Value where
import Control.Comonad
import Control.Monad
-- import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import Data.Align
import Data.Fix
import Data.Functor.Classes
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
import Data.These
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import GHC.Generics
import Lens.Family2
import Lens.Family2.Stock
import Lens.Family2.TH
import Nix.Atoms
import Nix.Expr.Types
import Nix.Expr.Types.Annotated
-- import Nix.Frames
import Nix.String
import Nix.Thunk
import Nix.Utils
-- | An 'NValue' is the most reduced form of an 'NExpr' after evaluation is
-- completed. 's' is related to the type of errors that might occur during
-- construction or use of a value.
data NValueF a m r
= NVConstantF NAtom
-- | A string has a value and a context, which can be used to record what a
-- string has been build from
| NVStrF NixString
| NVPathF FilePath
| NVListF [r]
| NVSetF (AttrSet r) (AttrSet SourcePos)
| NVClosureF (Params ()) (m a -> m r)
-- ^ A function is a closed set of parameters representing the "call
-- signature", used at application time to check the type of arguments
-- passed to the function. Since it supports default values which may
-- depend on other values within the final argument set, this
-- dependency is represented as a set of pending evaluations. The
-- arguments are finally normalized into a set which is passed to the
-- function.
-- Note that 'm r' is being used here because effectively a function
-- and its set of default arguments is "never fully evaluated". This
-- enforces in the type that it must be re-evaluated for each call.
| NVBuiltinF String (m a -> m r)
-- ^ A builtin function is itself already in normal form. Also, it may
-- or may not choose to evaluate its argument in the production of a
-- result.
deriving (Generic, Typeable, Functor)
-- | An 'NValueNF' is a fully evaluated value in normal form. An 'NValue m' is
-- a value in head normal form, where only the "top layer" has been
-- evaluated. An action of type 'm (NValue m)' is a pending evualation that
-- has yet to be performed. An 'NThunk m' is either a pending evaluation, or
-- a value in head normal form. A 'NThunkSet' is a set of mappings from keys
-- to thunks.
-- The 'Free' structure is used here to represent the possibility that
-- cycles may appear during normalization.
comapNValueFArg :: Functor m => (b -> a) -> NValueF a m r -> NValueF b m r
comapNValueFArg f = \case
NVConstantF a -> NVConstantF a
NVStrF s -> NVStrF s
NVPathF p -> NVPathF p
NVListF l -> NVListF l
NVSetF s p -> NVSetF s p
NVClosureF p g -> NVClosureF p (g . fmap f)
NVBuiltinF s g -> NVBuiltinF s (g . fmap f)
newtype NValueNF m
= NValueNF { _nValueNF :: Free (Compose (ValueContext m)
(NValueF (NValueNF m) m)) (NValueNF m) }
deriving (Generic, Typeable)
class (Monad m,
Comonad (ValueContext m),
Applicative (ValueContext m),
Traversable (ValueContext m))
=> MonadDataContext (m :: * -> *) where
type ThunkContext m :: * -> *
type ValueContext m :: * -> *
newtype NValue m
= NValue { _nValue :: Fix (Compose (ValueContext m)
(Compose (NValueF (NValue m) m)
(ThunkContext m))) }
type NThunk m
= ThunkContext m (Fix (Compose (ValueContext m)
(Compose (NValueF (NValue m) m)
(ThunkContext m))))
type ValueSet m = AttrSet (NThunk m)
thunkEq :: (MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m, MonadDataContext m)
=> NThunk m -> NThunk m -> m Bool
thunkEq lt rt = force lt $ \lv -> force rt $ \rv ->
let unsafePtrEq = case (lt, rt) of
(thunkId -> lid, thunkId -> rid)
| lid == rid -> return True
_ -> valueEq lv rv
in case (lv, rv) of
(NVClosure _ _, NVClosure _ _) -> unsafePtrEq
(NVList _, NVList _) -> unsafePtrEq
(NVSet _ _, NVSet _ _) -> unsafePtrEq
_ -> valueEq lv rv
weakenNValue :: forall m. (MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m, MonadDataContext m)
=> NValueNF m -> NValue m
weakenNValue (NValueNF v) = iter (phi . getCompose) (fmap weakenNValue v)
phi :: ValueContext m (NValueF (NValueNF m) m (NValue m)) -> NValue m
phi = NValue . Fix . Compose
. fmap (Compose . fmap wrapValue . comapNValueFArg removeEffects)
removeEffects :: forall m. (MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m, MonadDataContext m)
=> NValue m -> NValueNF m
removeEffects (NValue (Fix (Compose (fmap getCompose -> v)))) =
NValueNF $ Free $ Compose $
fmap (fmap (_nValueNF . dethunk) . comapNValueFArg weakenNValue) v
dethunk :: (MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m, MonadDataContext m)
=> NThunk m -> NValueNF m
dethunk t = query t opaque removeEffects
removeEffectsM :: forall m. (MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m, MonadDataContext m)
=> NValue m -> m (NValueNF m)
removeEffectsM (NValue (Fix (Compose (fmap getCompose -> v)))) = do
x <- traverse (fmap (fmap _nValueNF) . go . comapNValueFArg weakenNValue) v
pure $ NValueNF . Free . Compose $ x
go :: NValueF (NValueNF m) m (NThunk m)
-> m (NValueF (NValueNF m) m (NValueNF m))
go = \case
NVConstantF a -> pure $ NVConstantF a
NVStrF s -> pure $ NVStrF s
NVPathF p -> pure $ NVPathF p
NVListF l -> NVListF <$> traverse dethunkM l
NVSetF s p -> NVSetF <$> traverse dethunkM s <*> pure p
NVClosureF p g -> pure $ NVClosureF p (dethunkM <=< g)
NVBuiltinF s g -> pure $ NVBuiltinF s (dethunkM <=< g)
dethunkM :: (MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m, MonadDataContext m)
=> NThunk m -> m (NValueNF m)
dethunkM t = queryM t (pure opaque) removeEffectsM
opaque :: forall m. (MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m, MonadDataContext m)
=> NValueNF m
opaque = NValueNF $ Free $ Compose $ pure $ NVStrF @(NValueNF m) $
principledMakeNixStringWithoutContext "<thunk>"
-- addProvenance :: (NValue m -> Provenance t (NValue m) m) -> NValue m -> NValue m
-- addProvenance f l@(NValue (NCited p v)) = NValue (NCited (f l : p) v)
pattern NVConstant x <- NValue (Fix (Compose (extract -> Compose (NVConstantF x))))
nvConstant x = NValue (Fix (Compose (pure (Compose (NVConstantF x)))))
-- nvConstantP p x = NValue (NCited [p] (NVConstantF x))
pattern NVStr ns <- NValue (Fix (Compose (extract -> Compose (NVStrF ns))))
nvStr ns = NValue (Fix (Compose (pure (Compose (NVStrF ns)))))
-- nvStrP p ns = NValue (NCited [p] (NVStrF ns))
pattern NVPath x <- NValue (Fix (Compose (extract -> Compose (NVPathF x))))
nvPath x = NValue (Fix (Compose (pure (Compose (NVPathF x)))))
-- nvPathP p x = NValue (NCited [p] (NVPathF x))
pattern NVList l <- NValue (Fix (Compose (extract -> Compose (NVListF l))))
nvList l = NValue (Fix (Compose (pure (Compose (NVListF l)))))
-- nvListP p l = NValue (NCited [p] (NVListF l))
pattern NVSet s x <- NValue (Fix (Compose (extract -> Compose (NVSetF s x))))
nvSet s x = NValue (Fix (Compose (pure (Compose (NVSetF s x)))))
-- nvSetP p s x = NValue (NCited [p] (NVSetF s x))
pattern NVClosure x f <- NValue (Fix (Compose (extract -> Compose (NVClosureF x f))))
nvClosure x f = NValue (Fix (Compose (pure (Compose (NVClosureF x f)))))
-- nvClosureP p x f = NValue (NCited [p] (NVClosureF x f))
pattern NVBuiltin name f <- NValue (Fix (Compose (extract -> Compose (NVBuiltinF name f))))
nvBuiltin name f = NValue (Fix (Compose (pure (Compose (NVBuiltinF name f)))))
-- nvBuiltinP p name f = NValue (NCited [p] (NVBuiltinF name f))
instance Show (NValueF (NValue m) m (Fix (NValueF (NValue m) m))) where
showsPrec = flip go where
go (NVConstantF atom) = showsCon1 "NVConstant" atom
go (NVStrF ns) = showsCon1 "NVStr" (hackyStringIgnoreContext ns)
go (NVListF lst) = showsCon1 "NVList" lst
go (NVSetF attrs _) = showsCon1 "NVSet" attrs
go (NVClosureF p _) = showsCon1 "NVClosure" p
go (NVPathF p) = showsCon1 "NVPath" p
go (NVBuiltinF name _) = showsCon1 "NVBuiltin" name
showsCon1 :: Show a => String -> a -> Int -> String -> String
showsCon1 con a d =
showParen (d > 10) $ showString (con ++ " ") . showsPrec 11 a
showsCon2 :: (Show a, Show b)
=> String -> a -> b -> Int -> String -> String
showsCon2 con a b d =
showParen (d > 10)
$ showString (con ++ " ")
. showsPrec 11 a
. showString " "
. showsPrec 11 b
instance Eq (NValue m) where
NVConstant (NFloat x) == NVConstant (NInt y) = x == fromInteger y
NVConstant (NInt x) == NVConstant (NFloat y) = fromInteger x == y
NVConstant (NInt x) == NVConstant (NInt y) = x == y
NVConstant (NFloat x) == NVConstant (NFloat y) = x == y
NVStr x == NVStr y = hackyStringIgnoreContext x == hackyStringIgnoreContext y
NVPath x == NVPath y = x == y
_ == _ = False
instance Ord (NValue m) where
NVConstant (NFloat x) <= NVConstant (NInt y) = x <= fromInteger y
NVConstant (NInt x) <= NVConstant (NFloat y) = fromInteger x <= y
NVConstant (NInt x) <= NVConstant (NInt y) = x <= y
NVConstant (NFloat x) <= NVConstant (NFloat y) = x <= y
NVStr x <= NVStr y = hackyStringIgnoreContext x <= hackyStringIgnoreContext y
NVPath x <= NVPath y = x <= y
_ <= _ = False
checkComparable :: (Framed e m, Typeable m) => NValue m -> NValue m -> m ()
checkComparable x y = case (x, y) of
(NVConstant (NFloat _), NVConstant (NInt _)) -> pure ()
(NVConstant (NInt _), NVConstant (NFloat _)) -> pure ()
(NVConstant (NInt _), NVConstant (NInt _)) -> pure ()
(NVConstant (NFloat _), NVConstant (NFloat _)) -> pure ()
(NVStr _, NVStr _) -> pure ()
(NVPath _, NVPath _) -> pure ()
_ -> throwError $ Comparison x y
builtin :: forall m. (MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m, MonadDataContext m)
=> String -> (m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m)) -> m (NValue m)
builtin name f = return $ nvBuiltin name $ thunk . f
builtin2 :: (MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m, MonadDataContext m)
=> String -> (m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m))
-> m (NValue m)
builtin2 name f = builtin name (builtin name . f)
builtin3 :: (MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m, MonadDataContext m)
=> String
-> (m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m) -> m (NValue m))
-> m (NValue m)
builtin3 name f =
builtin name $ \a -> builtin name $ \b -> builtin name $ \c -> f a b c
isClosureNF :: MonadDataContext m => NValueNF m -> Bool
isClosureNF (NValueNF (Free (Compose (extract -> NVClosureF {})))) = True
isClosureNF _ = False
-- | Checks whether two containers are equal, using the given item equality
-- predicate. If there are any item slots that don't match between the two
-- containers, the result will be False.
:: (Align f, Traversable f, Monad m)
=> (a -> b -> m Bool)
-> f a
-> f b
-> m Bool
alignEqM eq fa fb = fmap (either (const False) (const True)) $ runExceptT $ do
pairs <- forM (Data.Align.align fa fb) $ \case
These a b -> return (a, b)
_ -> throwE ()
forM_ pairs $ \(a, b) -> guard =<< lift (eq a b)
isDerivation :: (MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m, MonadDataContext m)
=> AttrSet (NThunk m) -> m Bool
isDerivation m = case M.lookup "type" m of
Nothing -> pure False
Just t -> force t $ \case
-- We should probably really make sure the context is empty here but the
-- C++ implementation ignores it.
NVStr s -> pure $ principledStringIgnoreContext s == "derivation"
_ -> pure False
valueEq :: (MonadThunk (NValue m) (NThunk m) m, MonadDataContext m)
=> NValue m -> NValue m -> m Bool
valueEq = curry $ \case
(NVConstant lc, NVConstant rc) -> pure $ lc == rc
(NVStr ls, NVStr rs) ->
pure $ principledStringIgnoreContext ls
== principledStringIgnoreContext rs
(NVList ls, NVList rs) -> alignEqM thunkEq ls rs
(NVSet lm _, NVSet rm _) -> do
let compareAttrs = alignEqM thunkEq lm rm
isDerivation lm >>= \case
True -> isDerivation rm >>= \case
True | Just lp <- M.lookup "outPath" lm
, Just rp <- M.lookup "outPath" rm
-> thunkEq lp rp
_ -> compareAttrs
_ -> compareAttrs
(NVPath lp, NVPath rp) -> pure $ lp == rp
_ -> pure False
data TStringContext = NoContext | HasContext
deriving Show
data ValueType
= TInt
| TFloat
| TBool
| TNull
| TString TStringContext
| TList
| TSet
| TClosure
| TPath
| TBuiltin
deriving Show
valueType :: NValueF a m r -> ValueType
valueType = \case
NVConstantF a -> case a of
NInt _ -> TInt
NFloat _ -> TFloat
NBool _ -> TBool
NNull -> TNull
NVStrF ns | stringHasContext ns -> TString HasContext
| otherwise -> TString NoContext
NVListF {} -> TList
NVSetF {} -> TSet
NVClosureF {} -> TClosure
NVPathF {} -> TPath
NVBuiltinF {} -> TBuiltin
describeValue :: ValueType -> String
describeValue = \case
TInt -> "an integer"
TFloat -> "a float"
TBool -> "a boolean"
TNull -> "a null"
TString NoContext -> "a string"
TString HasContext -> "a string with context"
TList -> "a list"
TSet -> "an attr set"
TClosure -> "a function"
TPath -> "a path"
TBuiltin -> "a builtin function"
instance MonadDataContext m => Show (NValue m) where
show = describeValue
. valueType
. getCompose
. extract
. getCompose
. unFix
. _nValue
instance Show (NValueF (NValue m) m
(f (Fix (Compose g (Compose (NValueF (NValue m) m) f))))) where
show = describeValue . valueType
instance Show (NValueF (NValueNF m) m r) where
show = describeValue . valueType
-- instance MonadDataContext m => Show (NValue m) where
-- show (NValue (Fix (Compose (extract -> Compose v)))) = show v
instance MonadDataContext m => Show (NValueNF m) where
show (NValueNF (Pure v)) = show v
show (NValueNF (Free (Compose (extract -> v)))) = show v
instance Eq1 (NValueF (NValue m) m) where
liftEq _ (NVConstantF x) (NVConstantF y) = x == y
liftEq _ (NVStrF x) (NVStrF y) = x == y
liftEq eq (NVListF x) (NVListF y) = liftEq eq x y
liftEq eq (NVSetF x _) (NVSetF y _) = liftEq eq x y
liftEq _ (NVPathF x) (NVPathF y) = x == y
liftEq _ _ _ = False
instance Show1 (NValueF (NValue m) m) where
liftShowsPrec sp sl p = \case
NVConstantF atom -> showsUnaryWith showsPrec "NVConstantF" p atom
NVStrF ns -> showsUnaryWith showsPrec "NVStrF" p (hackyStringIgnoreContext ns)
NVListF lst -> showsUnaryWith (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "NVListF" p lst
NVSetF attrs _ -> showsUnaryWith (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "NVSetF" p attrs
NVClosureF c _ -> showsUnaryWith showsPrec "NVClosureF" p c
NVPathF path -> showsUnaryWith showsPrec "NVPathF" p path
NVBuiltinF name _ -> showsUnaryWith showsPrec "NVBuiltinF" p name
data ValueFrame m
= ForcingThunk
| ConcerningValue (NValue m)
| Comparison (NValue m) (NValue m)
| Addition (NValue m) (NValue m)
| Multiplication (NValue m) (NValue m)
| Division (NValue m) (NValue m)
| Coercion ValueType ValueType
| CoercionToJson (NValue m)
| CoercionFromJson A.Value
| ExpectationNF ValueType (NValueNF m)
| Expectation ValueType (NValue m)
-- deriving (Show, Typeable)
-- instance Typeable m => Exception (ValueFrame m)
$(makeTraversals ''NValueF)
$(makeLenses ''NValue)
key :: (Applicative f, MonadDataContext m)
=> VarName -> LensLike' f (NValue m) (Maybe (NThunk m))
key k = nValue._unFix._getCompose.traverse._getCompose._NVSetF._1.hashAt k