Anton-Latukha 0cb3946ee7
clean-up: (return -> pure)
M  main/Main.hs
M  main/Repl.hs
M  src/Nix/Builtins.hs
M  src/Nix/Convert.hs
M  src/Nix/Effects.hs
M  src/Nix/Effects/Basic.hs
M  src/Nix/Eval.hs
M  src/Nix/Exec.hs
M  src/Nix/Expr/Types.hs
M  src/Nix/Json.hs
M  src/Nix/Lint.hs
M  src/Nix/Normal.hs
M  src/Nix/Options/Parser.hs
M  src/Nix/Parser.hs
M  src/Nix/Scope.hs
M  src/Nix/String.hs
M  src/Nix/TH.hs
M  src/Nix/Thunk/Basic.hs
M  src/Nix/Utils.hs
M  src/Nix/Value.hs
M  src/Nix/Value/Equal.hs
M  src/Nix/XML.hs
M  tests/EvalTests.hs
M  tests/Main.hs
M  tests/NixLanguageTests.hs
M  tests/ParserTests.hs
M  tests/TestCommon.hs
2020-09-21 01:57:52 +03:00

441 lines
14 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
module Nix.Eval where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Semialign.Indexed ( ialignWith )
import Data.Either ( isRight )
import Data.Fix ( Fix(Fix) )
import Data.HashMap.Lazy ( HashMap )
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
import Data.List ( partition )
import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty(..) )
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe
, catMaybes
import Data.Text ( Text )
import Data.These ( These(..) )
import Data.Traversable ( for )
import Nix.Atoms
import Nix.Convert
import Nix.Expr
import Nix.Expr.Strings ( runAntiquoted )
import Nix.Frames
import Nix.String
import Nix.Scope
import Nix.Utils
import Nix.Value.Monad
class (Show v, Monad m) => MonadEval v m where
freeVariable :: Text -> m v
synHole :: Text -> m v
attrMissing :: NonEmpty Text -> Maybe v -> m v
evaledSym :: Text -> v -> m v
evalCurPos :: m v
evalConstant :: NAtom -> m v
evalString :: NString (m v) -> m v
evalLiteralPath :: FilePath -> m v
evalEnvPath :: FilePath -> m v
evalUnary :: NUnaryOp -> v -> m v
evalBinary :: NBinaryOp -> v -> m v -> m v
-- ^ The second argument is an action because operators such as boolean &&
-- and || may not evaluate the second argument.
evalWith :: m v -> m v -> m v
evalIf :: v -> m v -> m v -> m v
evalAssert :: v -> m v -> m v
evalApp :: v -> m v -> m v
evalAbs :: Params (m v)
-> (forall a. m v -> (AttrSet (m v) -> m v -> m (a, v)) -> m (a, v))
-> m v
evalSelect :: v -> NonEmpty Text -> Maybe (m v) -> m v
evalHasAttr :: v -> NonEmpty Text -> m v
-- | This and the following methods are intended to allow things like
-- adding provenance information.
evalListElem :: [m v] -> Int -> m v -> m v
evalList :: [v] -> m v
evalSetElem :: AttrSet (m v) -> Text -> m v -> m v
evalSet :: AttrSet v -> AttrSet SourcePos -> m v
evalRecSetElem :: AttrSet (m v) -> Text -> m v -> m v
evalRecSet :: AttrSet v -> AttrSet SourcePos -> m v
evalLetElem :: Text -> m v -> m v
evalLet :: m v -> m v
evalError :: Exception s => s -> m a
type MonadNixEval v m
= ( MonadEval v m
, Scoped v m
, MonadValue v m
, MonadFix m
, ToValue Bool m v
, ToValue [v] m v
, FromValue NixString m v
, ToValue (AttrSet v, AttrSet SourcePos) m v
, FromValue (AttrSet v, AttrSet SourcePos) m v
data EvalFrame m v
= EvaluatingExpr (Scopes m v) NExprLoc
| ForcingExpr (Scopes m v) NExprLoc
| Calling String SrcSpan
| SynHole (SynHoleInfo m v)
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance (Typeable m, Typeable v) => Exception (EvalFrame m v)
data SynHoleInfo m v = SynHoleInfo
{ _synHoleInfo_expr :: NExprLoc
, _synHoleInfo_scope :: Scopes m v
} deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance (Typeable m, Typeable v) => Exception (SynHoleInfo m v)
-- jww (2019-03-18): By deferring only those things which must wait until
-- context of us, this can be written as:
-- eval :: forall v m . MonadNixEval v m => NExprF v -> m v
eval :: forall v m . MonadNixEval v m => NExprF (m v) -> m v
eval (NSym "__curPos") = evalCurPos
eval (NSym var ) = do
mres <- lookupVar var
case mres of
Just x -> demand x $ evaledSym var
Nothing -> freeVariable var
eval (NConstant x ) = evalConstant x
eval (NStr str ) = evalString str
eval (NLiteralPath p ) = evalLiteralPath p
eval (NEnvPath p ) = evalEnvPath p
eval (NUnary op arg ) = evalUnary op =<< arg
eval (NBinary NApp fun arg) = do
scope <- currentScopes :: m (Scopes m v)
fun >>= (`evalApp` withScopes scope arg)
eval (NBinary op larg rarg) = larg >>= evalBinary op ?? rarg
eval (NSelect aset attr alt ) = evalSelect aset attr >>= either go id
where go (s, ks) = fromMaybe (attrMissing ks (Just s)) alt
eval (NHasAttr aset attr) = evalSelect aset attr >>= toValue . isRight
eval (NList l ) = do
scope <- currentScopes
for l (defer @v @m . withScopes @v scope) >>= toValue
eval (NSet NNonRecursive binds) =
evalBinds False (desugarBinds (eval . NSet NNonRecursive) binds) >>= toValue
eval (NSet NRecursive binds) =
evalBinds True (desugarBinds (eval . NSet NNonRecursive) binds) >>= toValue
eval (NLet binds body ) = evalBinds True binds >>= (pushScope ?? body) . fst
eval (NIf cond t f ) = cond >>= \v -> evalIf v t f
eval (NWith scope body) = evalWith scope body
eval (NAssert cond body) = cond >>= evalAssert ?? body
eval (NAbs params body) = do
-- It is the environment at the definition site, not the call site, that
-- needs to be used when evaluating the body and default arguments, hence we
-- defer here so the present scope is restored when the parameters and body
-- are forced during application.
scope <- currentScopes :: m (Scopes m v)
evalAbs params $ \arg k -> withScopes scope $ do
args <- buildArgument params arg
pushScope args (k (fmap (inform ?? withScopes scope) args) body)
eval (NSynHole name) = synHole name
-- | If you know that the 'scope' action will result in an 'AttrSet v', then
-- this implementation may be used as an implementation for 'evalWith'.
evalWithAttrSet :: forall v m . MonadNixEval v m => m v -> m v -> m v
evalWithAttrSet aset body = do
-- The scope is deliberately wrapped in a thunk here, since it is demanded
-- each time a name is looked up within the weak scope, and we want to be
-- sure the action it evaluates is to force a thunk, so its value is only
-- computed once.
scope <- currentScopes :: m (Scopes m v)
s <- defer $ withScopes scope aset
let s' = demand s $ fmap fst . fromValue @(AttrSet v, AttrSet SourcePos)
pushWeakScope s' body
:: forall v m
. MonadNixEval v m
=> [Text]
-> SourcePos
-> AttrSet (m v)
-> AttrSet SourcePos
-> m v
-> m (AttrSet (m v), AttrSet SourcePos)
attrSetAlter [] _ _ _ _ =
evalError @v $ ErrorCall "invalid selector with no components"
attrSetAlter (k : ks) pos m p val = case M.lookup k m of
Nothing | null ks -> go
| otherwise -> recurse M.empty M.empty
Just x
| null ks
-> go
| otherwise
-> x >>= fromValue @(AttrSet v, AttrSet SourcePos) >>= \(st, sp) ->
recurse (demand ?? pure <$> st) sp
go = pure (M.insert k val m, M.insert k pos p)
recurse st sp = attrSetAlter ks pos st sp val <&> \(st', _) ->
( M.insert
(toValue @(AttrSet v, AttrSet SourcePos) =<< (, mempty) <$> sequence st')
, M.insert k pos p
desugarBinds :: forall r . ([Binding r] -> r) -> [Binding r] -> [Binding r]
desugarBinds embed binds = evalState (mapM (go <=< collect) binds) M.empty
:: Binding r
-> State
(HashMap VarName (SourcePos, [Binding r]))
(Either VarName (Binding r))
collect (NamedVar (StaticKey x :| y : ys) val p) = do
m <- get
put $ M.insert x ?? m $ case M.lookup x m of
Nothing -> (p, [NamedVar (y :| ys) val p])
Just (q, v) -> (q, NamedVar (y :| ys) val q : v)
pure $ Left x
collect x = pure $ Right x
:: Either VarName (Binding r)
-> State (HashMap VarName (SourcePos, [Binding r])) (Binding r)
go (Right x) = pure x
go (Left x) = do
maybeValue <- gets (M.lookup x)
case maybeValue of
Nothing -> error ("No binding " ++ show x)
Just (p, v) -> pure $ NamedVar (StaticKey x :| []) (embed v) p
:: forall v m
. MonadNixEval v m
=> Bool
-> [Binding (m v)]
-> m (AttrSet v, AttrSet SourcePos)
evalBinds recursive binds = do
scope <- currentScopes :: m (Scopes m v)
buildResult scope . concat =<< mapM (go scope) (moveOverridesLast binds)
moveOverridesLast = uncurry (++) . partition
NamedVar (StaticKey "__overrides" :| []) _ _pos -> False
_ -> True
go :: Scopes m v -> Binding (m v) -> m [([Text], SourcePos, m v)]
go _ (NamedVar (StaticKey "__overrides" :| []) finalValue pos) =
finalValue >>= fromValue >>= \(o', p') ->
-- jww (2018-05-09): What to do with the key position here?
pure $ map
(\(k, v) -> ([k], fromMaybe pos (M.lookup k p'), demand v pure))
(M.toList o')
go _ (NamedVar pathExpr finalValue pos) = do
let go :: NAttrPath (m v) -> m ([Text], SourcePos, m v)
go = \case
h :| t -> evalSetterKeyName h >>= \case
Nothing ->
( []
, nullPos
, toValue @(AttrSet v, AttrSet SourcePos) (mempty, mempty)
Just k -> case t of
[] -> pure ([k], pos, finalValue)
x : xs -> do
(restOfPath, _, v) <- go (x :| xs)
pure (k : restOfPath, pos, v)
go pathExpr <&> \case
-- When there are no path segments, e.g. `${null} = 5;`, we don't
-- bind anything
([], _, _) -> []
result -> [result]
go scope (Inherit ms names pos) =
fmap catMaybes $ forM names $ evalSetterKeyName >=> \case
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just key -> pure $ Just
( [key]
, pos
, do
mv <- case ms of
Nothing -> withScopes scope $ lookupVar key
Just s ->
s >>= fromValue @(AttrSet v, AttrSet SourcePos) >>= \(s, _) ->
clearScopes @v $ pushScope s $ lookupVar key
case mv of
Nothing -> attrMissing (key :| []) Nothing
Just v -> demand v pure
:: Scopes m v
-> [([Text], SourcePos, m v)]
-> m (AttrSet v, AttrSet SourcePos)
buildResult scope bindings = do
(s, p) <- foldM insert (M.empty, M.empty) bindings
res <- if recursive then loebM (encapsulate <$> s) else traverse mkThunk s
pure (res, p)
mkThunk = defer . withScopes scope
encapsulate f attrs = mkThunk . pushScope attrs $ f
insert (m, p) (path, pos, value) = attrSetAlter path pos m p value
:: forall v m
. MonadNixEval v m
=> m v
-> NAttrPath (m v)
-> m (Either (v, NonEmpty Text) (m v))
evalSelect aset attr = do
s <- aset
path <- traverse evalGetterKeyName attr
extract s path
extract x path@(k :| ks) = fromValueMay x >>= \case
Just (s :: AttrSet v, p :: AttrSet SourcePos)
| Just t <- M.lookup k s -> case ks of
[] -> pure $ Right $ demand t pure
y : ys -> demand t $ extract ?? (y :| ys)
| otherwise -> Left . (, path) <$> toValue (s, p)
Nothing -> pure $ Left (x, path)
-- | Evaluate a component of an attribute path in a context where we are
-- *retrieving* a value
:: forall v m
. (MonadEval v m, FromValue NixString m v)
=> NKeyName (m v)
-> m Text
evalGetterKeyName = evalSetterKeyName >=> \case
Just k -> pure k
Nothing ->
evalError @v $ ErrorCall "value is null while a string was expected"
-- | Evaluate a component of an attribute path in a context where we are
-- *binding* a value
:: (MonadEval v m, FromValue NixString m v)
=> NKeyName (m v)
-> m (Maybe Text)
evalSetterKeyName = \case
StaticKey k -> pure (Just k)
DynamicKey k ->
runAntiquoted "\n" assembleString (>>= fromValueMay) k <&> \case
Just ns -> Just (hackyStringIgnoreContext ns)
_ -> Nothing
:: forall v m
. (MonadEval v m, FromValue NixString m v)
=> NString (m v)
-> m (Maybe NixString)
assembleString = \case
Indented _ parts -> fromParts parts
DoubleQuoted parts -> fromParts parts
fromParts = fmap (fmap principledStringMConcat . sequence) . traverse go
go = runAntiquoted "\n"
(pure . Just . principledMakeNixStringWithoutContext)
(>>= fromValueMay)
:: forall v m . MonadNixEval v m => Params (m v) -> m v -> m (AttrSet v)
buildArgument params arg = do
scope <- currentScopes :: m (Scopes m v)
case params of
Param name -> M.singleton name <$> defer (withScopes scope arg)
ParamSet s isVariadic m ->
arg >>= fromValue @(AttrSet v, AttrSet SourcePos) >>= \(args, _) -> do
let inject = case m of
Nothing -> id
Just n -> M.insert n $ const $ defer (withScopes scope arg)
(inject $ M.mapMaybe id $ ialignWith (assemble scope isVariadic)
(M.fromList s)
:: Scopes m v
-> Bool
-> Text
-> These v (Maybe (m v))
-> Maybe (AttrSet v -> m v)
assemble scope isVariadic k = \case
That Nothing ->
$ const
$ evalError @v
$ ErrorCall
$ "Missing value for parameter: "
++ show k
That (Just f) ->
Just $ \args -> defer $ withScopes scope $ pushScope args f
This _
| isVariadic
-> Nothing
| otherwise
-> Just
$ const
$ evalError @v
$ ErrorCall
$ "Unexpected parameter: "
++ show k
These x _ -> Just (const (pure x))
:: (MonadReader e m, Has e SrcSpan) => Transform NExprLocF (m a)
addSourcePositions f v@(Fix (Compose (Ann ann _))) =
local (set hasLens ann) (f v)
:: forall v e m a
. (Scoped v m, Framed e m, Typeable v, Typeable m)
=> Transform NExprLocF (m a)
addStackFrames f v = do
scopes <- currentScopes :: m (Scopes m v)
withFrame Info (EvaluatingExpr scopes v) (f v)
:: forall e v m
. (MonadNixEval v m, Framed e m, Has e SrcSpan, Typeable m, Typeable v)
=> NExprLoc
-> m v
framedEvalExprLoc =
adi (eval . annotated . getCompose) (addStackFrames @v . addSourcePositions)