2020-09-21 01:58:00 +03:00

421 lines
16 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
-- | This module provides a "reducing" expression evaluator, which reduces
-- away pure, non self-referential aspects of an expression tree, yielding a
-- new expression tree. It does not yet attempt to reduce everything
-- possible, and will always yield a tree with the same meaning as the
-- original. It should be seen as an opportunistic simplifier, but which
-- gives up easily if faced with any potential for ambiguity in the result.
module Nix.Reduce (reduceExpr, reducingEvalExpr) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow ( second )
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Catch
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
import Control.Monad.Fail
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Fix ( Fix(..), foldFix, foldFixM )
import Data.HashMap.Lazy ( HashMap )
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
import Data.IORef
import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty(..) )
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe
, mapMaybe
, catMaybes
import Data.Text ( Text )
import Nix.Atoms
import Nix.Effects.Basic ( pathToDefaultNixFile )
import Nix.Expr
import Nix.Frames
import Nix.Options ( Options
, reduceSets
, reduceLists
import Nix.Parser
import Nix.Scope
import Nix.Utils
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
newtype Reducer m a = Reducer
{ runReducer :: ReaderT (Maybe FilePath, Scopes (Reducer m) NExprLoc)
(StateT (HashMap FilePath NExprLoc) m) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, MonadPlus,
MonadFix, MonadIO, MonadFail,
MonadReader (Maybe FilePath, Scopes (Reducer m) NExprLoc),
MonadState (HashMap FilePath NExprLoc))
:: forall m
. ( MonadIO m
, Scoped NExprLoc m
, MonadFail m
, MonadReader (Maybe FilePath, Scopes m NExprLoc) m
, MonadState (HashMap FilePath NExprLoc) m
=> SrcSpan
-> FilePath
-> m NExprLoc
staticImport pann path = do
mfile <- asks fst
path <- liftIO $ pathToDefaultNixFile path
path' <- liftIO $ pathToDefaultNixFile =<< canonicalizePath
(maybe path (\p -> takeDirectory p </> path) mfile)
imports <- get
case M.lookup path' imports of
Just expr -> pure expr
Nothing -> go path'
go path = do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Importing file " ++ path
eres <- liftIO $ parseNixFileLoc path
case eres of
Failure err -> error $ "Parse failed: " ++ show err
Success x -> do
pos = SourcePos "Reduce.hs" (mkPos 1) (mkPos 1)
span = SrcSpan pos pos
cur = NamedVar (StaticKey "__cur_file" :| [])
(Fix (NLiteralPath_ pann path))
x' = Fix (NLet_ span [cur] x)
modify (M.insert path x')
local (const (Just path, emptyScopes @m @NExprLoc)) $ do
x'' <- foldFix reduce x'
modify (M.insert path x'')
return x''
-- gatherNames :: NExprLoc -> HashSet VarName
-- gatherNames = foldFix $ \case
-- NSym_ _ var -> S.singleton var
-- Compose (Ann _ x) -> fold x
:: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => Maybe FilePath -> NExprLoc -> m NExprLoc
reduceExpr mpath expr =
(`evalStateT` M.empty)
. (`runReaderT` (mpath, emptyScopes))
. runReducer
$ foldFix reduce expr
:: forall m
. ( MonadIO m
, Scoped NExprLoc m
, MonadFail m
, MonadReader (Maybe FilePath, Scopes m NExprLoc) m
, MonadState (HashMap FilePath NExprLoc) m
=> NExprLocF (m NExprLoc)
-> m NExprLoc
-- | Reduce the variable to its value if defined.
-- Leave it as it is otherwise.
reduce (NSym_ ann var) = lookupVar var <&> \case
Nothing -> Fix (NSym_ ann var)
Just v -> v
-- | Reduce binary and integer negation.
reduce (NUnary_ uann op arg) = arg >>= \x -> case (op, x) of
(NNeg, Fix (NConstant_ cann (NInt n))) ->
return $ Fix $ NConstant_ cann (NInt (negate n))
(NNot, Fix (NConstant_ cann (NBool b))) ->
return $ Fix $ NConstant_ cann (NBool (not b))
_ -> return $ Fix $ NUnary_ uann op x
-- | Reduce function applications.
-- * Reduce an import to the actual imported expression.
-- * Reduce a lambda function by adding its name to the local
-- scope and recursively reducing its body.
reduce (NBinary_ bann NApp fun arg) = fun >>= \case
f@(Fix (NSym_ _ "import")) -> arg >>= \case
-- Fix (NEnvPath_ pann origPath) -> staticImport pann origPath
Fix (NLiteralPath_ pann origPath) -> staticImport pann origPath
v -> return $ Fix $ NBinary_ bann NApp f v
Fix (NAbs_ _ (Param name) body) -> do
x <- arg
pushScope (M.singleton name x) (foldFix reduce body)
f -> Fix . NBinary_ bann NApp f <$> arg
-- | Reduce an integer addition to its result.
reduce (NBinary_ bann op larg rarg) = do
lval <- larg
rval <- rarg
case (op, lval, rval) of
(NPlus, Fix (NConstant_ ann (NInt x)), Fix (NConstant_ _ (NInt y))) ->
return $ Fix (NConstant_ ann (NInt (x + y)))
_ -> pure $ Fix $ NBinary_ bann op lval rval
-- | Reduce a select on a Set by substituting the set to the selected value.
-- Before applying this reduction, we need to ensure that:
-- 1. The selected expr is indeed a set.
-- 2. The selection AttrPath is a list of StaticKeys.
-- 3. The selected AttrPath exists in the set.
reduce base@(NSelect_ _ _ attrs _)
| sAttrPath $ NE.toList attrs = do
(NSelect_ _ aset attrs _) <- sequence base
inspectSet (unFix aset) attrs
| otherwise = sId
sId = Fix <$> sequence base
-- The selection AttrPath is composed of StaticKeys.
sAttrPath (StaticKey _ : xs) = sAttrPath xs
sAttrPath [] = True
sAttrPath _ = False
-- Find appropriate bind in set's binds.
findBind [] _ = Nothing
findBind (x : xs) attrs@(a :| _) = case x of
n@(NamedVar (a' :| _) _ _) | a' == a -> Just n
_ -> findBind xs attrs
-- Follow the attrpath recursively in sets.
inspectSet (NSet_ _ NNonRecursive binds) attrs = case findBind binds attrs of
Just (NamedVar _ e _) -> case NE.uncons attrs of
(_, Just attrs) -> inspectSet (unFix e) attrs
_ -> pure e
_ -> sId
inspectSet _ _ = sId
-- reduce (NHasAttr aset attr) =
-- | Reduce a set by inlining its binds outside of the set
-- if none of the binds inherit the super set.
reduce e@(NSet_ ann NNonRecursive binds) = do
let usesInherit = flip any binds $ \case
Inherit{} -> True
_ -> False
if usesInherit
then clearScopes @NExprLoc $ Fix . NSet_ ann NNonRecursive <$> traverse sequence binds
else Fix <$> sequence e
-- Encountering a 'rec set' construction eliminates any hope of inlining
-- definitions.
reduce (NSet_ ann NRecursive binds) =
clearScopes @NExprLoc $ Fix . NSet_ ann NRecursive <$> traverse sequence binds
-- Encountering a 'with' construction eliminates any hope of inlining
-- definitions.
reduce (NWith_ ann scope body) =
clearScopes @NExprLoc $ fmap Fix $ NWith_ ann <$> scope <*> body
-- | Reduce a let binds section by pushing lambdas,
-- constants and strings to the body scope.
reduce (NLet_ ann binds body) = do
s <- fmap (M.fromList . catMaybes) $ forM binds $ \case
NamedVar (StaticKey name :| []) def _pos -> def >>= \case
d@(Fix NAbs_{} ) -> pure $ Just (name, d)
d@(Fix NConstant_{}) -> pure $ Just (name, d)
d@(Fix NStr_{} ) -> pure $ Just (name, d)
_ -> pure Nothing
_ -> pure Nothing
body' <- pushScope s body
binds' <- traverse sequence binds
-- let names = gatherNames body'
-- binds' <- traverse sequence binds <&> \b -> flip filter b $ \case
-- NamedVar (StaticKey name _ :| []) _ ->
-- name `S.member` names
-- _ -> True
pure $ Fix $ NLet_ ann binds' body'
-- where
-- go m [] = pure m
-- go m (x:xs) = case x of
-- NamedVar (StaticKey name _ :| []) def -> do
-- v <- pushScope m def
-- go (M.insert name v m) xs
-- _ -> go m xs
-- | Reduce an if to the relevant path if
-- the condition is a boolean constant.
reduce e@(NIf_ _ b t f) = b >>= \case
Fix (NConstant_ _ (NBool b')) -> if b' then t else f
_ -> Fix <$> sequence e
-- | Reduce an assert atom to its encapsulated
-- symbol if the assertion is a boolean constant.
reduce e@(NAssert_ _ b body) = b >>= \case
Fix (NConstant_ _ (NBool b')) | b' -> body
_ -> Fix <$> sequence e
reduce (NAbs_ ann params body) = do
params' <- sequence params
-- Make sure that variable definitions in scope do not override function
-- arguments.
let args = case params' of
Param name -> M.singleton name (Fix (NSym_ ann name))
ParamSet pset _ _ ->
M.fromList $ map (\(k, _) -> (k, Fix (NSym_ ann k))) pset
Fix . NAbs_ ann params' <$> pushScope args body
reduce v = Fix <$> sequence v
-- newtype FlaggedF f r = FlaggedF { flagged :: (IORef Bool, f r) }
newtype FlaggedF f r = FlaggedF (IORef Bool, f r)
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance Show (f r) => Show (FlaggedF f r) where
show (FlaggedF (_, x)) = show x
type Flagged f = Fix (FlaggedF f)
flagExprLoc :: (MonadIO n, Traversable f) => Fix f -> n (Flagged f)
flagExprLoc = foldFixM $ \x -> do
flag <- liftIO $ newIORef False
pure $ Fix $ FlaggedF (flag, x)
-- stripFlags :: Functor f => Flagged f -> Fix f
-- stripFlags = foldFix $ Fix . snd . flagged
pruneTree :: MonadIO n => Options -> Flagged NExprLocF -> n (Maybe NExprLoc)
pruneTree opts = foldFixM $ \(FlaggedF (b, Compose x)) -> do
used <- liftIO $ readIORef b
pure $ if used then Fix . Compose <$> traverse prune x else Nothing
prune :: NExprF (Maybe NExprLoc) -> Maybe (NExprF NExprLoc)
prune = \case
NStr str -> Just $ NStr (pruneString str)
NHasAttr (Just aset) attr ->
Just $ NHasAttr aset ( pruneKeyName attr)
NAbs params (Just body) -> Just $ NAbs (pruneParams params) body
NList l | reduceLists opts -> Just $ NList (catMaybes l)
| otherwise -> Just $ NList (map (fromMaybe nNull) l)
NSet recur binds
| reduceSets opts -> Just $ NSet recur (mapMaybe sequence binds)
| otherwise -> Just $ NSet recur (map (fmap (fromMaybe nNull)) binds)
NLet binds (Just body@(Fix (Compose (Ann _ x)))) ->
Just $ case mapMaybe pruneBinding binds of
[] -> x
xs -> NLet xs body
NSelect (Just aset) attr alt ->
Just $ NSelect aset ( pruneKeyName attr) (join alt)
-- These are the only short-circuiting binary operators
NBinary NAnd (Just (Fix (Compose (Ann _ larg)))) _ -> Just larg
NBinary NOr (Just (Fix (Compose (Ann _ larg)))) _ -> Just larg
-- If the function was never called, it means its argument was in a
-- thunk that was forced elsewhere.
NBinary NApp Nothing (Just _) -> Nothing
-- The idea behind emitted a binary operator where one side may be
-- invalid is that we're trying to emit what will reproduce whatever
-- error the user encountered, which means providing all aspects of
-- the evaluation path they ultimately followed.
NBinary op Nothing (Just rarg) -> Just $ NBinary op nNull rarg
NBinary op (Just larg) Nothing -> Just $ NBinary op larg nNull
-- If the scope of a with was never referenced, it's not needed
NWith Nothing (Just (Fix (Compose (Ann _ body)))) -> Just body
NAssert Nothing _ ->
error "How can an assert be used, but its condition not?"
NAssert _ (Just (Fix (Compose (Ann _ body)))) -> Just body
NAssert (Just cond) _ -> Just $ NAssert cond nNull
NIf Nothing _ _ -> error "How can an if be used, but its condition not?"
NIf _ Nothing (Just (Fix (Compose (Ann _ f)))) -> Just f
NIf _ (Just (Fix (Compose (Ann _ t)))) Nothing -> Just t
x -> sequence x
pruneString :: NString (Maybe NExprLoc) -> NString NExprLoc
pruneString (DoubleQuoted xs) =
DoubleQuoted (mapMaybe pruneAntiquotedText xs)
pruneString (Indented n xs) = Indented n (mapMaybe pruneAntiquotedText xs)
:: Antiquoted Text (Maybe NExprLoc) -> Maybe (Antiquoted Text NExprLoc)
pruneAntiquotedText (Plain v) = Just (Plain v)
pruneAntiquotedText EscapedNewline = Just EscapedNewline
pruneAntiquotedText (Antiquoted Nothing ) = Nothing
pruneAntiquotedText (Antiquoted (Just k)) = Just (Antiquoted k)
:: Antiquoted (NString (Maybe NExprLoc)) (Maybe NExprLoc)
-> Maybe (Antiquoted (NString NExprLoc) NExprLoc)
pruneAntiquoted (Plain v) = Just (Plain (pruneString v))
pruneAntiquoted EscapedNewline = Just EscapedNewline
pruneAntiquoted (Antiquoted Nothing ) = Nothing
pruneAntiquoted (Antiquoted (Just k)) = Just (Antiquoted k)
pruneKeyName :: NKeyName (Maybe NExprLoc) -> NKeyName NExprLoc
pruneKeyName (StaticKey n) = StaticKey n
pruneKeyName (DynamicKey k) | Just k' <- pruneAntiquoted k = DynamicKey k'
| otherwise = StaticKey "<unused?>"
pruneParams :: Params (Maybe NExprLoc) -> Params NExprLoc
pruneParams (Param n) = Param n
pruneParams (ParamSet xs b n)
| reduceSets opts = ParamSet
(map (second (maybe (Just nNull) (Just . fromMaybe nNull))) xs)
| otherwise = ParamSet (map (second (fmap (fromMaybe nNull))) xs) b n
pruneBinding :: Binding (Maybe NExprLoc) -> Maybe (Binding NExprLoc)
pruneBinding (NamedVar _ Nothing _) = Nothing
pruneBinding (NamedVar xs (Just x) pos) =
Just (NamedVar ( pruneKeyName xs) x pos)
pruneBinding (Inherit _ [] _) = Nothing
pruneBinding (Inherit (join -> Nothing) _ _) = Nothing
pruneBinding (Inherit (join -> m) xs pos) =
Just (Inherit m (map pruneKeyName xs) pos)
:: (Framed e m, Has e Options, Exception r, MonadCatch m, MonadIO m)
=> (NExprLocF (m a) -> m a)
-> Maybe FilePath
-> NExprLoc
-> m (NExprLoc, Either r a)
reducingEvalExpr eval mpath expr = do
expr' <- flagExprLoc =<< liftIO (reduceExpr mpath expr)
eres <- catch (Right <$> foldFix (addEvalFlags eval) expr') (pure . Left)
opts :: Options <- asks (view hasLens)
expr'' <- pruneTree opts expr'
return (fromMaybe nNull expr'', eres)
where addEvalFlags k (FlaggedF (b, x)) = liftIO (writeIORef b True) *> k x
instance Monad m => Scoped NExprLoc (Reducer m) where
currentScopes = currentScopesReader
clearScopes = clearScopesReader @(Reducer m) @NExprLoc
pushScopes = pushScopesReader
lookupVar = lookupVarReader