
134 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Nix.Eval where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad hiding (mapM, sequence)
import Data.Fix
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Traversable as T
import Nix.Types
import Prelude hiding (mapM, sequence)
buildArgument :: Formals NValue -> NValue -> NValue
buildArgument paramSpec arg = either error (Fix . NVSet) $ case paramSpec of
FormalName name -> return $ Map.singleton name arg
FormalSet s -> lookupParamSet s
FormalLeftAt name s -> Map.insert name arg <$> lookupParamSet s
FormalRightAt s name -> Map.insert name arg <$> lookupParamSet s
go env k def = maybe (Left err) return $ Map.lookup k env <|> def
where err = "Could not find " ++ show k
lookupParamSet (FormalParamSet s) = case arg of
Fix (NVSet env) -> Map.traverseWithKey (go env) s
_ -> Left "Unexpected function environment"
evalExpr :: NExpr -> NValue -> IO NValue
evalExpr = cata phi
phi :: NExprF (NValue -> IO NValue) -> NValue -> IO NValue
phi (NSym var) = \env -> case env of
Fix (NVSet s) -> maybe err return $ Map.lookup var s
_ -> error "invalid evaluation environment"
where err = error ("Undefined variable: " ++ show var)
phi (NConstant x) = const $ return $ Fix $ NVConstant x
phi (NStr str) = fmap (Fix . NVStr) . flip evalString str
phi (NOper _x) = error "Operators are not yet defined"
phi (NSelect _x _attr _or) = error "Select expressions are not yet supported"
phi (NHasAttr _x _attr) = error "Has attr expressions are not yet supported"
phi (NList l) = \env ->
Fix . NVList <$> mapM ($ env) l
-- TODO: recursive sets
phi (NSet _b binds) = \env ->
Fix . NVSet <$> evalBinds True env binds
-- TODO: recursive binding
phi (NLet binds e) = \env -> case env of
(Fix (NVSet env')) -> do
letenv <- evalBinds False env binds
let newenv = Map.union letenv env'
e . Fix . NVSet $ newenv
_ -> error "invalid evaluation environment"
phi (NIf cond t f) = \env -> do
(Fix cval) <- cond env
case cval of
NVConstant (NBool True) -> t env
NVConstant (NBool False) -> f env
_ -> error "condition must be a boolean"
phi (NWith scope e) = \env -> case env of
(Fix (NVSet env')) -> do
s <- scope env
case s of
(Fix (NVSet scope')) -> e . Fix . NVSet $ Map.union scope' env'
_ -> error "scope must be a set in with statement"
_ -> error "invalid evaluation environment"
phi (NAssert cond e) = \env -> do
(Fix cond') <- cond env
case cond' of
(NVConstant (NBool True)) -> e env
(NVConstant (NBool False)) -> error "assertion failed"
_ -> error "assertion condition must be boolean"
phi (NApp fun x) = \env -> do
fun' <- fun env
case fun' of
Fix (NVFunction argset f) -> do
arg <- x env
let arg' = buildArgument argset arg
f arg'
_ -> error "Attempt to call non-function"
phi (NAbs a b) = \env -> do
-- jww (2014-06-28): arglists should not receive the current
-- environment, but rather should recursively view their own arg
-- set
args <- traverse ($ env) a
return $ Fix $ NVFunction args b
evalString :: NValue -> NString (NValue -> IO NValue) -> IO Text
evalString env (NString _ parts)
= Text.concat <$> mapM (runAntiquoted return (fmap valueText . ($ env))) parts
evalString env (NUri t) = return t
evalBinds :: Bool -> NValue -> [Binding (NValue -> IO NValue)] ->
IO (Map.Map Text NValue)
evalBinds allowDynamic env xs = buildResult <$> sequence (concatMap go xs) where
buildResult :: [([Text], NValue)] -> Map.Map Text NValue
buildResult = foldl' insert Map.empty . map (first reverse) where
insert _ ([], _) = error "invalid selector with no components"
insert m (p:ps, v) = modifyPath ps (insertIfNotMember p v) where
alreadyDefinedErr = error $ "attribute " ++ attr ++ " already defined"
attr = show $ Text.intercalate "." $ reverse (p:ps)
modifyPath :: [Text] -> (Map.Map Text NValue -> Map.Map Text NValue) -> Map.Map Text NValue
modifyPath [] f = f m
modifyPath (x:parts) f = modifyPath parts $ \m' -> case Map.lookup x m' of
Nothing -> Map.singleton x $ g Map.empty
Just (Fix (NVSet m'')) -> Map.insert x (g m'') m'
Just _ -> alreadyDefinedErr
where g = Fix . NVSet . f
insertIfNotMember k x m'
| Map.notMember k m' = Map.insert k x m'
| otherwise = alreadyDefinedErr
-- TODO: Inherit
go :: Binding (NValue -> IO NValue) -> [IO ([Text], NValue)]
go (NamedVar x y) = [liftM2 (,) (evalSelector allowDynamic env x) (y env)]
evalSelector :: Bool -> NValue -> NSelector (NValue -> IO NValue) -> IO [Text]
evalSelector dyn e = mapM evalKeyName where
evalKeyName (StaticKey k) = return k
evalKeyName (DynamicKey k)
| dyn = runAntiquoted (evalString e) (fmap valueText . ($ e)) k
| otherwise = error "dynamic attribute not allowed in this context"