
193 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Nix.Value where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.Align
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Fix
import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
import Data.Monoid (appEndo)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.These
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import GHC.Generics
import Nix.Atoms
import Nix.Expr.Types
import Nix.Expr.Types.Annotated (deltaInfo)
import Nix.Parser.Library (Delta(..))
import Nix.Scope
import Nix.Thunk
import Nix.Utils
import {-# SOURCE #-} Nix.Stack
newtype NThunk m = NThunk (Thunk m (NValue m))
thunk :: MonadVar m => m (NValue m) -> m (NThunk m)
thunk = fmap coerce . buildThunk
force :: (Framed e m, MonadFile m, MonadVar m)
=> NThunk m -> (NValue m -> m r) -> m r
force = forceThunk . coerce
valueThunk :: forall m. NValue m -> NThunk m
valueThunk = coerce . valueRef @_ @m
-- | An 'NValue' is the most reduced form of an 'NExpr' after evaluation
-- is completed.
data NValueF m r
= NVConstant NAtom
-- | A string has a value and a context, which can be used to record what a
-- string has been build from
| NVStr Text (DList Text)
| NVList [r]
| NVSet (HashMap Text r) (HashMap Text Delta)
| NVClosure (Scopes m r) (Params (m r)) (m r)
-- ^ A function is a closed set of parameters representing the "call
-- signature", used at application time to check the type of arguments
-- passed to the function. Since it supports default values which may
-- depend on other values within the final argument set, this
-- dependency is represented as a set of pending evaluations. The
-- arguments are finally normalized into a set which is passed to the
-- function.
-- Note that 'm r' is being used here because effectively a function
-- and its set of default arguments is "never fully evaluated". This
-- enforces in the type that it must be re-evaluated for each call.
| NVPath FilePath
| NVBuiltin String (NThunk m -> m (NValue m))
-- ^ A builtin function is itself already in normal form. Also, it may
-- or may not choose to evaluate its argument in the production of a
-- result.
deriving (Generic, Typeable, Functor)
-- | An 'NValueNF' is a fully evaluated value in normal form. An 'NValue m' is
-- a value in head normal form, where only the "top layer" has been
-- evaluated. An action of type 'm (NValue m)' is a pending evualation that
-- has yet to be performed. An 'NThunk m' is either a pending evaluation, or
-- a value in head normal form. A 'ValueSet' is a set of mappings from keys
-- to thunks.
type NValueNF m = Fix (NValueF m) -- normal form
type NValue m = NValueF m (NThunk m) -- head normal form
type ValueSet m = HashMap Text (NThunk m)
instance Show (NThunk m) where
show (NThunk (Value v)) = show v
show (NThunk _) = "<thunk>"
instance Show f => Show (NValueF m f) where
showsPrec = flip go where
go (NVConstant atom) = showsCon1 "NVConstant" atom
go (NVStr text context) = showsCon2 "NVStr" text (appEndo context [])
go (NVList list) = showsCon1 "NVList" list
go (NVSet attrs _) = showsCon1 "NVSet" attrs
go (NVClosure s r _) = showsCon2 "NVClosure" s (() <$ r)
go (NVPath p) = showsCon1 "NVPath" p
go (NVBuiltin name _) = showsCon1 "NVBuiltin" name
showsCon1 :: Show a => String -> a -> Int -> String -> String
showsCon1 con a d =
showParen (d > 10) $ showString (con ++ " ") . showsPrec 11 a
showsCon2 :: (Show a, Show b)
=> String -> a -> b -> Int -> String -> String
showsCon2 con a b d =
showParen (d > 10)
$ showString (con ++ " ")
. showsPrec 11 a
. showString " "
. showsPrec 11 b
builtin :: Monad m => String -> (NThunk m -> m (NValue m)) -> m (NValue m)
builtin name f = return $ NVBuiltin name f
builtin2 :: Monad m
=> String -> (NThunk m -> NThunk m -> m (NValue m)) -> m (NValue m)
builtin2 name f = builtin name (builtin name . f)
builtin3 :: Monad m
=> String -> (NThunk m -> NThunk m -> NThunk m -> m (NValue m))
-> m (NValue m)
builtin3 name f =
builtin name $ \a -> builtin name $ \b -> builtin name $ \c -> f a b c
posFromDelta :: Delta -> NValue m
posFromDelta (deltaInfo -> (f, l, c)) =
flip NVSet M.empty $ M.fromList
[ ("file", valueThunk $ NVStr f mempty)
, ("line", valueThunk $ NVConstant (NInt (fromIntegral l)))
, ("column", valueThunk $ NVConstant (NInt (fromIntegral c)))
valueRefBool :: Monad m => Bool -> m (NValue m)
valueRefBool = return . NVConstant . NBool
valueRefInt :: Monad m => Integer -> m (NValue m)
valueRefInt = return . NVConstant . NInt
valueRefFloat :: Monad m => Float -> m (NValue m)
valueRefFloat = return . NVConstant . NFloat
thunkEq :: (Framed e m, MonadFile m, MonadVar m)
=> NThunk m -> NThunk m -> m Bool
thunkEq lt rt = force lt $ \lv -> force rt $ \rv -> valueEq lv rv
-- | Checks whether two containers are equal, using the given item equality
-- predicate. If there are any item slots that don't match between the two
-- containers, the result will be False.
:: (Align f, Traversable f, Monad m)
=> (a -> b -> m Bool)
-> f a
-> f b
-> m Bool
alignEqM eq fa fb = fmap (either (const False) (const True)) $ runExceptT $ do
pairs <- forM (align fa fb) $ \case
These a b -> return (a, b)
_ -> throwE ()
forM_ pairs $ \(a, b) -> guard =<< lift (eq a b)
isDerivation :: (Monad m, Framed e m, MonadFile m, MonadVar m)
=> HashMap Text (NThunk m) -> m Bool
isDerivation m = case M.lookup "type" m of
Nothing -> pure False
Just t -> force t $ valueEq (NVStr "derivation" mempty)
valueEq :: (Monad m, Framed e m, MonadFile m, MonadVar m)
=> NValue m -> NValue m -> m Bool
valueEq l r = case (l, r) of
(NVStr ls _, NVConstant (NUri ru)) -> pure $ ls == ru
(NVConstant (NUri lu), NVStr rs _) -> pure $ lu == rs
(NVConstant lc, NVConstant rc) -> pure $ lc == rc
(NVStr ls _, NVStr rs _) -> pure $ ls == rs
(NVStr ls _, NVConstant NNull) -> pure $ ls == ""
(NVConstant NNull, NVStr rs _) -> pure $ "" == rs
(NVList ls, NVList rs) -> alignEqM thunkEq ls rs
(NVSet lm _, NVSet rm _) -> do
let compareAttrs = alignEqM thunkEq lm rm
isDerivation lm >>= \case
True -> isDerivation rm >>= \case
True | Just lp <- M.lookup "outPath" lm
, Just rp <- M.lookup "outPath" rm
-> thunkEq lp rp
_ -> compareAttrs
_ -> compareAttrs
(NVPath lp, NVPath rp) -> pure $ lp == rp
_ -> pure False