2019-10-22 00:03:52 +02:00

242 lines
7.9 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | The source location annotated nix expression type and supporting types.
module Nix.Expr.Types.Annotated
( module Nix.Expr.Types.Annotated
, module Data.Functor.Compose
, SourcePos(..)
, unPos
, mkPos
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_serialise
import Codec.Serialise
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Aeson ( ToJSON(..)
, FromJSON(..)
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Binary ( Binary(..) )
import Data.Data
import Data.Eq.Deriving
import Data.Fix
import Data.Function ( on )
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Hashable.Lifted
import Data.Ord.Deriving
import Data.Text ( Text
, pack
import GHC.Generics
import Nix.Atoms
import Nix.Expr.Types
import Text.Megaparsec ( unPos
, mkPos
import Text.Megaparsec.Pos ( SourcePos(..) )
import Text.Read.Deriving
import Text.Show.Deriving
-- | A location in a source file
data SrcSpan = SrcSpan
{ spanBegin :: SourcePos
, spanEnd :: SourcePos
deriving (Ord, Eq, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show, NFData, Hashable)
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_serialise
instance Serialise SrcSpan
-- | A type constructor applied to a type along with an annotation
-- Intended to be used with 'Fix':
-- @type MyType = Fix (Compose (Ann Annotation) F)@
data Ann ann a = Ann
{ annotation :: ann
, annotated :: a
deriving (Ord, Eq, Data, Generic, Generic1, Typeable, Functor, Foldable,
Traversable, Read, Show, NFData, Hashable)
instance Hashable ann => Hashable1 (Ann ann)
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_serialise
instance (Serialise ann, Serialise a) => Serialise (Ann ann a)
#if MIN_VERSION_deepseq(1, 4, 3)
instance NFData ann => NFData1 (Ann ann)
$(deriveEq1 ''Ann)
$(deriveEq2 ''Ann)
$(deriveOrd1 ''Ann)
$(deriveOrd2 ''Ann)
$(deriveRead1 ''Ann)
$(deriveRead2 ''Ann)
$(deriveShow1 ''Ann)
$(deriveShow2 ''Ann)
$(deriveJSON1 defaultOptions ''Ann)
$(deriveJSON2 defaultOptions ''Ann)
instance Semigroup SrcSpan where
s1 <> s2 = SrcSpan ((min `on` spanBegin) s1 s2) ((max `on` spanEnd) s1 s2)
type AnnF ann f = Compose (Ann ann) f
annToAnnF :: Ann ann (f (Fix (AnnF ann f))) -> Fix (AnnF ann f)
annToAnnF (Ann ann a) = AnnE ann a
type NExprLocF = AnnF SrcSpan NExprF
-- | A nix expression with source location at each subexpression.
type NExprLoc = Fix NExprLocF
#if !MIN_VERSION_deepseq(1, 4, 3)
instance (NFData (f (g a)), NFData (g a)) => NFData (Compose f g a)
instance NFData NExprLoc
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_serialise
instance Serialise NExprLoc
instance Hashable NExprLoc
instance Binary SrcSpan
instance (Binary ann, Binary a) => Binary (Ann ann a)
instance Binary r => Binary (NExprLocF r)
instance Binary NExprLoc
instance ToJSON SrcSpan
instance FromJSON SrcSpan
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_serialise
instance Serialise r => Serialise (Compose (Ann SrcSpan) NExprF r) where
encode (Compose (Ann ann a)) = encode ann <> encode a
decode = (Compose .) . Ann <$> decode <*> decode
pattern AnnE :: forall ann (g :: * -> *). ann
-> g (Fix (Compose (Ann ann) g)) -> Fix (Compose (Ann ann) g)
pattern AnnE ann a = Fix (Compose (Ann ann a))
stripAnnotation :: Functor f => Fix (AnnF ann f) -> Fix f
stripAnnotation = ana (annotated . getCompose . unFix)
stripAnn :: AnnF ann f r -> f r
stripAnn = annotated . getCompose
nUnary :: Ann SrcSpan NUnaryOp -> NExprLoc -> NExprLoc
nUnary (Ann s1 u) e1@(AnnE s2 _) = AnnE (s1 <> s2) (NUnary u e1)
nUnary _ _ = error "nUnary: unexpected"
nBinary :: Ann SrcSpan NBinaryOp -> NExprLoc -> NExprLoc -> NExprLoc
nBinary (Ann s1 b) e1@(AnnE s2 _) e2@(AnnE s3 _) =
AnnE (s1 <> s2 <> s3) (NBinary b e1 e2)
nBinary _ _ _ = error "nBinary: unexpected"
:: NExprLoc -> Ann SrcSpan (NAttrPath NExprLoc) -> Maybe NExprLoc -> NExprLoc
nSelectLoc e1@(AnnE s1 _) (Ann s2 ats) d = case d of
Nothing -> AnnE (s1 <> s2) (NSelect e1 ats Nothing)
Just (e2@(AnnE s3 _)) -> AnnE (s1 <> s2 <> s3) (NSelect e1 ats (Just e2))
_ -> error "nSelectLoc: unexpected"
nSelectLoc _ _ _ = error "nSelectLoc: unexpected"
nHasAttr :: NExprLoc -> Ann SrcSpan (NAttrPath NExprLoc) -> NExprLoc
nHasAttr e1@(AnnE s1 _) (Ann s2 ats) = AnnE (s1 <> s2) (NHasAttr e1 ats)
nHasAttr _ _ = error "nHasAttr: unexpected"
nApp :: NExprLoc -> NExprLoc -> NExprLoc
nApp e1@(AnnE s1 _) e2@(AnnE s2 _) = AnnE (s1 <> s2) (NBinary NApp e1 e2)
nApp _ _ = error "nApp: unexpected"
nAbs :: Ann SrcSpan (Params NExprLoc) -> NExprLoc -> NExprLoc
nAbs (Ann s1 ps) e1@(AnnE s2 _) = AnnE (s1 <> s2) (NAbs ps e1)
nAbs _ _ = error "nAbs: unexpected"
nStr :: Ann SrcSpan (NString NExprLoc) -> NExprLoc
nStr (Ann s1 s) = AnnE s1 (NStr s)
deltaInfo :: SourcePos -> (Text, Int, Int)
deltaInfo (SourcePos fp l c) = (pack fp, unPos l, unPos c)
nNull :: NExprLoc
nNull = Fix (Compose (Ann nullSpan (NConstant NNull)))
nullSpan :: SrcSpan
nullSpan = SrcSpan nullPos nullPos
-- | Pattern systems for matching on NExprLocF constructions.
pattern NSym_ :: SrcSpan -> VarName -> NExprLocF r
pattern NSym_ ann x = Compose (Ann ann (NSym x))
pattern NSynHole_ :: SrcSpan -> Text -> NExprLocF r
pattern NSynHole_ ann x = Compose (Ann ann (NSynHole x))
pattern NConstant_ :: SrcSpan -> NAtom -> NExprLocF r
pattern NConstant_ ann x = Compose (Ann ann (NConstant x))
pattern NStr_ :: SrcSpan -> NString r -> NExprLocF r
pattern NStr_ ann x = Compose (Ann ann (NStr x))
pattern NList_ :: SrcSpan -> [r] -> NExprLocF r
pattern NList_ ann x = Compose (Ann ann (NList x))
pattern NSet_ :: SrcSpan -> NRecordType -> [Binding r] -> NExprLocF r
pattern NSet_ ann recur x = Compose (Ann ann (NSet recur x))
pattern NLiteralPath_ :: SrcSpan -> FilePath -> NExprLocF r
pattern NLiteralPath_ ann x = Compose (Ann ann (NLiteralPath x))
pattern NEnvPath_ :: SrcSpan -> FilePath -> NExprLocF r
pattern NEnvPath_ ann x = Compose (Ann ann (NEnvPath x))
pattern NSelect_ :: SrcSpan -> r -> NAttrPath r -> Maybe r -> NExprLocF r
pattern NSelect_ ann x p v = Compose (Ann ann (NSelect x p v))
pattern NHasAttr_ :: SrcSpan -> r -> NAttrPath r -> NExprLocF r
pattern NHasAttr_ ann x p = Compose (Ann ann (NHasAttr x p))
pattern NAbs_ :: SrcSpan -> Params r-> r -> NExprLocF r
pattern NAbs_ ann x b = Compose (Ann ann (NAbs x b))
pattern NLet_ :: SrcSpan -> [Binding r] -> r -> NExprLocF r
pattern NLet_ ann x b = Compose (Ann ann (NLet x b))
pattern NIf_ :: SrcSpan -> r -> r -> r -> NExprLocF r
pattern NIf_ ann c t e = Compose (Ann ann (NIf c t e))
pattern NWith_ :: SrcSpan -> r -> r -> NExprLocF r
pattern NWith_ ann x y = Compose (Ann ann (NWith x y))
pattern NAssert_ :: SrcSpan -> r -> r -> NExprLocF r
pattern NAssert_ ann x y = Compose (Ann ann (NAssert x y))
pattern NUnary_ :: SrcSpan -> NUnaryOp -> r -> NExprLocF r
pattern NUnary_ ann op x = Compose (Ann ann (NUnary op x))
pattern NBinary_ :: SrcSpan -> NBinaryOp -> r -> r -> NExprLocF r
pattern NBinary_ ann op x y = Compose (Ann ann (NBinary op x y))