
178 lines
6.6 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Nix.Thunk.Standard where
import Control.Comonad (Comonad)
import Control.Comonad.Env (ComonadEnv)
import Control.Monad.Catch hiding (catchJust)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Data.Fix
import Data.Functor.Classes
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics
import Nix.Cited
import Nix.Convert
import Nix.Effects
import Nix.Eval as Eval
import Nix.Exec
import Nix.Expr
import Nix.Frames
import Nix.Fresh
import Nix.Options
import Nix.Render
import Nix.Scope
import Nix.String
import Nix.Thunk
import Nix.Thunk.Basic
import Nix.Utils
import Nix.Value
import Nix.Var (MonadVar)
newtype StdCited m a = StdCited
{ _stdCited :: NCited (StdThunk m) (StdValue m) (StdLazy m) a }
( Generic
, Typeable
, Functor
, Applicative
, Foldable
, Traversable
, Comonad
, ComonadEnv [Provenance (StdThunk m) (StdValue m) (StdLazy m)]
newtype StdThunk m = StdThunk
{ _stdThunk :: StdCited m (NThunkF (StdLazy m) (StdValue m)) }
type StdValue m = NValue (StdThunk m) (StdCited m) (StdLazy m)
type StdValueNF m = NValueNF (StdThunk m) (StdCited m) (StdLazy m)
type StdLazy m = Lazy (StdThunk m) (StdCited m) (FreshIdT Int m)
instance Show1 (StdLazy m) => Show1 (StdCited m) where
liftShowsPrec f g n (StdCited c) = liftShowsPrec f g n c
instance ( MonadVar m
, MonadCatch m
, MonadThrow m
, Typeable m
=> MonadThunk (StdThunk m) (StdLazy m) (StdValue m) where
thunk mv = do
opts :: Options <- asks (view hasLens)
if thunks opts
then do
frames :: Frames <- asks (view hasLens)
-- Gather the current evaluation context at the time of thunk
-- creation, and record it along with the thunk.
let go (fromException ->
Just (EvaluatingExpr scope
(Fix (Compose (Ann s e))))) =
let e' = Compose (Ann s (Nothing <$ e))
in [Provenance scope e']
go _ = []
ps = concatMap (go . frame) frames
fmap (StdThunk . StdCited . NCited ps) . thunk $ mv
fmap (StdThunk . StdCited . NCited []) . thunk $ mv
thunkId = error "jww (2019-03-15): NYI"
query = error "jww (2019-03-15): NYI"
queryM = error "jww (2019-03-15): NYI"
-- The ThunkLoop exception is thrown as an exception with MonadThrow,
-- which does not capture the current stack frame information to provide
-- it in a NixException, so we catch and re-throw it here using
-- 'throwError' from Frames.hs.
force (StdThunk (StdCited (NCited ps t))) f =
catch go (throwError @ThunkLoop)
go = case ps of
[] -> force t f
Provenance scope e@(Compose (Ann s _)):_ ->
-- r <- liftWith $ \run -> do
-- withFrame Info (ForcingExpr scope (wrapExprLoc s e))
-- (run (force t f))
-- restoreT $ return r
withFrame Info (ForcingExpr scope (wrapExprLoc s e))
(force t f)
forceEff (StdThunk (StdCited (NCited ps t))) f =
catch go (throwError @ThunkLoop)
go = case ps of
[] -> forceEff t f
Provenance scope e@(Compose (Ann s _)):_ -> do
-- r <- liftWith $ \run -> do
-- withFrame Info (ForcingExpr scope (wrapExprLoc s e))
-- (run (forceEff t f))
-- restoreT $ return r
withFrame Info (ForcingExpr scope (wrapExprLoc s e))
(forceEff t f)
wrapValue = StdThunk . StdCited . NCited [] . wrapValue
getValue (StdThunk (StdCited (NCited _ v))) = getValue v
instance FromNix Bool (StdLazy IO) (StdThunk IO) where
instance FromNix [NixString] (StdLazy IO) (StdThunk IO) where
instance FromValue (M.HashMap Text (StdThunk m)) (StdLazy m) (StdThunk m) where
instance FromValue Bool (StdLazy IO) (StdThunk IO) where
instance FromValue NixString (StdLazy m) (StdThunk m) where
instance FromValue Path (StdLazy m) (StdThunk m) where
instance FromValue [NixString] (StdLazy IO) (StdThunk IO) where
instance FromValue [StdThunk m] (StdLazy m) (StdThunk m) where
instance ToNix (StdThunk m) (StdLazy m) (StdValue m) where
instance ToNix NixString (StdLazy m) (StdThunk m) where
instance ToNix [StdThunk m] (StdLazy m) (StdThunk m) where
instance ToValue () (StdLazy m) (StdThunk m) where
instance ToValue (StdThunk m) (StdLazy m) (StdValue m) where
instance ToValue Int (StdLazy m) (StdThunk m) where
instance ToValue NixString (StdLazy m) (StdThunk m) where
instance ToValue [StdThunk m] (StdLazy m) (StdThunk m) where
-- instance FromValue a (StdLazy m) (StdValue m) => FromValue a (StdLazy m) (StdThunk m) where
-- instance FromNix a (StdLazy m) (StdValue m) => FromNix a (StdLazy m) (StdThunk m) where
instance Show (StdThunk m) where
show _ = "<thunk>" -- jww (2019-03-15): NYI
deriving instance MonadReader e m => MonadReader e (FreshIdT Int m)
instance MonadFile m => MonadFile (FreshIdT Int m)
instance MonadIntrospect m => MonadIntrospect (FreshIdT Int m)
instance MonadStore m => MonadStore (FreshIdT Int m)
instance MonadPutStr m => MonadPutStr (FreshIdT Int m)
instance MonadHttp m => MonadHttp (FreshIdT Int m)
instance MonadEnv m => MonadEnv (FreshIdT Int m)
instance MonadInstantiate m => MonadInstantiate (FreshIdT Int m)
instance MonadExec m => MonadExec (FreshIdT Int m)
instance MonadEffects t f m => MonadEffects t f (FreshIdT Int m)
instance HasCitations1 (StdThunk m) (StdValue m) (StdLazy m) (StdCited m)
runStdLazyM :: MonadIO m => Options -> StdLazy m a -> m a
runStdLazyM opts = runFreshIdT (1 :: Int) . runLazyM opts