2018-03-30 23:10:44 -07:00

93 lines
2.3 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures -Wno-orphans #-}
module EvalTests (tests) where
import Data.String.Interpolate
import Nix
import Nix.Expr
import Nix.Monad
import Nix.Parser
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Test.Tasty.TH
case_basic_sum =
constantEqualStr "2" "1 + 1"
case_basic_function =
constantEqualStr "2" "(a: a) 2"
case_set_attr =
constantEqualStr "2" "{ a = 2; }.a"
case_function_set_arg =
constantEqualStr "2" "({ a }: 2) { a = 1; }"
case_function_set_two_arg =
constantEqualStr "2" "({ a, b ? 3 }: b - a) { a = 1; }"
case_function_set_two_arg_default_scope =
constantEqualStr "2" "({ x ? 1, y ? x * 3 }: y - x) {}"
case_function_default_env =
constantEqualStr "2" "let default = 2; in ({ a ? default }: a) {}"
case_function_definition_uses_environment =
constantEqualStr "3" "let f = (let a=1; in x: x+a); in f 2"
case_function_atpattern =
constantEqualStr "2" "(({a}@attrs:attrs) {a=2;}).a"
case_function_ellipsis =
constantEqualStr "2" "(({a, ...}@attrs:attrs) {a=0; b=2;}).b"
case_function_default_value_in_atpattern =
constantEqualStr "2" "({a ? 2}@attrs:attrs.a) {}"
case_function_recursive_args =
constantEqualStr "2" "({ x ? 1, y ? x * 3}: y - x) {}"
case_function_recursive_sets =
constantEqualStr "[ [ 6 4 100 ] 4 ]" [i|
let x = rec {
y = 2;
z = { w = 4; };
v = rec {
u = 6;
t = [ u z.w s ];
}; s = 100; in [ x.v.t x.z.w ]
case_nested_with =
constantEqualStr "2" "with { x = 1; }; with { x = 2; }; x"
tests :: TestTree
tests = $testGroupGenerator
instance (Show r, Eq r) => Eq (NValueF m r) where
NVConstant x == NVConstant y = x == y
NVList x == NVList y = and (zipWith (==) x y)
x == y = error $ "Need to add comparison for values: "
++ show x ++ " == " ++ show y
constantEqual :: NExprLoc -> NExprLoc -> Assertion
constantEqual a b = do
a' <- tracingEvalTopLevelExprIO Nothing a
b' <- tracingEvalTopLevelExprIO Nothing b
assertEqual "" a' b'
constantEqualStr :: String -> String -> Assertion
constantEqualStr a b =
let Success a' = parseNixStringLoc a
Success b' = parseNixStringLoc b
in constantEqual a' b'