2020-07-04 18:42:16 +02:00

476 lines
14 KiB

{- This code was authored by:
Stephen Diehl
Kwang Yul Seo <>
It was made available under the MIT license. See the src/Nix/Type
directory for more details.
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-matches #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports #-}
module Repl
( main
, main'
) where
import Nix hiding ( exec
, try
import Nix.Cited
import Nix.Convert
import Nix.Eval
import Nix.Scope
import qualified Nix.Type.Env as Env
import Nix.Type.Infer
import Nix.Utils
import Control.Comonad
import qualified Data.List
import qualified Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc (Doc, (<+>))
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text
import Data.Version ( showVersion )
import Paths_hnix ( version )
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import System.Console.Repline ( Cmd
, CompletionFunc
, CompleterStyle (Prefix)
, ExitDecision(Exit)
, HaskelineT
, WordCompleter
import qualified System.Console.Repline
import qualified System.Exit
import qualified System.IO.Error
-- | Repl entry point
main :: (MonadNix e t f m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => m ()
main = main' Nothing
-- | Principled version allowing to pass initial value for context.
-- Passed value is stored in context with "input" key.
main' :: (MonadNix e t f m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => Maybe (NValue t f m) -> m ()
main' iniVal = initState iniVal >>= \s -> flip evalStateT s
$ System.Console.Repline.evalRepl
(Just commandPrefix)
(Just "paste")
(rcFile >> greeter)
commandPrefix = ':'
banner = pure . \case
System.Console.Repline.SingleLine -> "hnix> "
System.Console.Repline.MultiLine -> "| "
greeter =
$ putStrLn
$ "Welcome to hnix "
<> showVersion version
<> ". For help type :help\n"
finalizer = do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Goodbye."
return Exit
rcFile = do
f <- liftIO $ Data.Text.IO.readFile ".hnixrc" `catch` handleMissing
forM_ (map (words . Data.Text.unpack) $ Data.Text.lines f) $ \case
((prefix:command) : xs) | prefix == commandPrefix -> do
let arguments = unwords xs
optMatcher command options arguments
x -> cmd $ unwords x
handleMissing e
| System.IO.Error.isDoesNotExistError e = return ""
| otherwise = throwIO e
-- Replicated and slightly adjusted `optMatcher` from `System.Console.Repline`
-- which doesn't export it.
-- * @MonadIO m@ instead of @MonadHaskeline m@
-- * @putStrLn@ instead of @outputStrLn@
optMatcher :: MonadIO m
=> String
-> System.Console.Repline.Options m
-> String
-> m ()
optMatcher s [] _ = liftIO $ putStrLn $ "No such command :" ++ s
optMatcher s ((x, m) : xs) args
| s `Data.List.isPrefixOf` x = m args
| otherwise = optMatcher s xs args
-- Types
data IState t f m = IState
{ replIt :: Maybe NExprLoc -- ^ Last expression entered
, replCtx :: AttrSet (NValue t f m) -- ^ Value environment
, replCfg :: ReplConfig -- ^ REPL configuration
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data ReplConfig = ReplConfig
{ cfgDebug :: Bool
, cfgStrict :: Bool
, cfgValues :: Bool
} deriving (Eq, Show)
defReplConfig :: ReplConfig
defReplConfig = ReplConfig
{ cfgDebug = False
, cfgStrict = False
, cfgValues = False
-- | Create initial IState for REPL
initState :: MonadNix e t f m => Maybe (NValue t f m) -> m (IState t f m)
initState mIni = do
builtins <- evalText "builtins"
opts :: Nix.Options <- asks (view hasLens)
pure $ IState
$ ("builtins", builtins) : fmap ("input",) (Data.Maybe.maybeToList mIni))
{ cfgStrict = strict opts
, cfgValues = values opts
evalText :: (MonadNix e t f m) => Text -> m (NValue t f m)
evalText expr = case parseNixTextLoc expr of
Failure e -> error $ "Impossible happened: Unable to parse expression - '" ++ (Data.Text.unpack expr) ++ "' error was " ++ show e
Success e -> do
value <- evalExprLoc e
pure value
type Repl e t f m = HaskelineT (StateT (IState t f m) m)
-- Execution
:: forall e t f m
. (MonadNix e t f m, MonadIO m)
=> Bool
-> Text
-> Repl e t f m (Maybe (NValue t f m))
exec update source = do
-- Get the current interpreter state
st <- get
when (cfgDebug $ replCfg st) $ liftIO $ print st
-- Parser ( returns AST as `NExprLoc` )
case parseExprOrBinding source of
(Failure err, _) -> do
liftIO $ print err
return Nothing
(Success expr, isBinding) -> do
-- Type Inference ( returns Typing Environment )
--let tyctx' = inferTop Env.empty [("repl", stripAnnotation expr)]
--liftIO $ print tyctx'
mVal <- lift $ lift $ try $ pushScope (replCtx st) (evalExprLoc expr)
case mVal of
Left (NixException frames) -> do
lift $ lift $ liftIO . print =<< renderFrames @(NValue t f m) @t frames
return Nothing
Right val -> do
-- Update the interpreter state
when (update && isBinding) $ do
-- Set `replIt` to last entered expression
put st { replIt = Just expr }
-- If the result value is a set, update our context with it
case val of
NVSet xs _ -> put st { replCtx = Data.HashMap.Lazy.union xs (replCtx st) }
_ -> return ()
return $ Just val
-- If parsing fails, turn the input into singleton attribute set
-- and try again.
-- This allows us to handle assignments like @a = 42@
-- which get turned into @{ a = 42; }@
parseExprOrBinding i =
case parseNixTextLoc i of
Success expr -> (Success expr, False)
Failure e ->
case parseNixTextLoc $ toAttrSet i of
Failure _ -> (Failure e, False) -- return the first parsing failure
Success e' -> (Success e', True)
toAttrSet i = "{" <> i <> (if Data.Text.isSuffixOf ";" i then mempty else ";") <> "}"
:: (MonadNix e t f m, MonadIO m)
=> String
-> Repl e t f m ()
cmd source = do
mVal <- exec True (Data.Text.pack source)
case mVal of
Nothing -> return ()
Just val -> printValue val
printValue :: (MonadNix e t f m, MonadIO m)
=> NValue t f m
-> Repl e t f m ()
printValue val = do
cfg <- replCfg <$> get
lift $ lift $ do
| cfgStrict cfg -> liftIO . print . prettyNValue =<< normalForm val
| cfgValues cfg -> liftIO . print . prettyNValueProv =<< removeEffects val
| otherwise -> liftIO . print . prettyNValue =<< removeEffects val
-- Commands
-- :browse command
browse :: (MonadNix e t f m, MonadIO m)
=> String
-> Repl e t f m ()
browse _ = do
st <- get
forM_ (Data.HashMap.Lazy.toList $ replCtx st) $ \(k, v) -> do
liftIO $ putStr $ Data.Text.unpack $ k <> " = "
printValue v
-- :load command
:: (MonadNix e t f m, MonadIO m)
=> String
-> Repl e t f m ()
load args = do
contents <- liftIO
$ Data.Text.IO.readFile
$ Data.Text.unpack
$ Data.Text.strip
$ Data.Text.pack args
void $ exec True contents
-- :type command
:: (MonadNix e t f m, MonadIO m)
=> String
-> Repl e t f m ()
typeof args = do
st <- get
mVal <- case Data.HashMap.Lazy.lookup line (replCtx st) of
Just val -> return $ Just val
Nothing -> do
exec False line
forM_ mVal $ \val -> do
s <- lift . lift . showValueType $ val
liftIO $ putStrLn s
where line = Data.Text.pack args
-- :quit command
quit :: (MonadNix e t f m, MonadIO m) => a -> Repl e t f m ()
quit _ = liftIO System.Exit.exitSuccess
-- :set command
setConfig :: (MonadNix e t f m, MonadIO m) => String -> Repl e t f m ()
setConfig args = case words args of
[] -> liftIO $ putStrLn "No option to set specified"
(x:_xs) ->
case filter ((==x) . helpSetOptionName) helpSetOptions of
[opt] -> modify (\s -> s { replCfg = helpSetOptionFunction opt (replCfg s) })
_ -> liftIO $ putStrLn "No such option"
-- Interactive Shell
-- Prefix tab completer
defaultMatcher :: MonadIO m => [(String, CompletionFunc m)]
defaultMatcher =
[ (":load", System.Console.Repline.fileCompleter)
--, (":type" , values)
-- Default tab completer
comp :: Monad m => WordCompleter m
comp n = do
let cmds = [":load", ":type", ":browse", ":quit"]
-- Env.TypeEnv ctx <- gets tyctx
-- let defs = map Data.Text.unpack $ Map.keys ctx
return $ filter (Data.List.isPrefixOf n) (cmds
-- ++ defs
-- HelpOption inspired by Dhall Repl
-- with `Doc` instead of String for syntax and doc
data HelpOption e t f m = HelpOption
{ helpOptionName :: String
, helpOptionSyntax :: Doc ()
, helpOptionDoc :: Doc ()
, helpOptionFunction :: Cmd (Repl e t f m)
type HelpOptions e t f m = [HelpOption e t f m]
helpOptions :: (MonadNix e t f m, MonadIO m) => HelpOptions e t f m
helpOptions =
[ HelpOption
"Print help text"
(help helpOptions)
, HelpOption
"Enter multi-line mode"
(error "Unreachable")
, HelpOption
"Load .nix file into scope"
, HelpOption
"Browse bindings in interpreter context"
, HelpOption
"Evaluate expression or binding from context and print the type of the result value"
, HelpOption
"Quit interpreter"
, HelpOption
( "Set REPL option"
<> Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.line
<> "Available options:"
<> Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.line
<> (renderSetOptions helpSetOptions)
-- Options for :set
data HelpSetOption = HelpSetOption
{ helpSetOptionName :: String
, helpSetOptionSyntax :: Doc ()
, helpSetOptionDoc :: Doc ()
, helpSetOptionFunction :: ReplConfig -> ReplConfig
helpSetOptions :: [HelpSetOption]
helpSetOptions =
[ HelpSetOption
"Enable strict evaluation of REPL expressions"
(\x -> x { cfgStrict = True})
, HelpSetOption
"Disable strict evaluation of REPL expressions"
(\x -> x { cfgStrict = False})
, HelpSetOption
"Enable printing of value provenance information"
(\x -> x { cfgValues = True})
, HelpSetOption
"Disable printing of value provenance information"
(\x -> x { cfgValues = False})
, HelpSetOption
"Enable printing of REPL debug information"
(\x -> x { cfgDebug = True})
, HelpSetOption
"Disable REPL debugging"
(\x -> x { cfgDebug = False})
renderSetOptions :: [HelpSetOption] -> Doc ()
renderSetOptions so =
Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.indent 4
$ Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.vsep
$ flip map so
$ \h ->
Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.pretty (helpSetOptionName h)
<+> helpSetOptionSyntax h
<> Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.line
<> Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.indent 4 (helpSetOptionDoc h)
help :: (MonadNix e t f m, MonadIO m)
=> HelpOptions e t f m
-> String
-> Repl e t f m ()
help hs _ = do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Available commands:\n"
forM_ hs $ \h ->
. Data.Text.IO.putStrLn
. Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text.renderStrict
. Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.layoutPretty
$ ":"
<> Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.pretty (helpOptionName h)
<+> helpOptionSyntax h
<> Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.line
<> Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.indent 4 (helpOptionDoc h)
:: (MonadNix e t f m, MonadIO m)
=> System.Console.Repline.Options (Repl e t f m)
options = (\h -> (helpOptionName h, helpOptionFunction h)) <$> helpOptions
:: (MonadNix e t f m, MonadIO m)
=> CompleterStyle (StateT (IState t f m) m)
completer = Prefix (System.Console.Repline.wordCompleter comp) defaultMatcher