
133 lines
4.4 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Main where
import Control.DeepSeq
import qualified Control.Exception as Exc
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
import qualified Nix
import Nix.Expr.Types.Annotated (stripAnnotation)
import Nix.Lint
import Nix.Parser
import Nix.Pretty
import Nix.Stack (NixException(..))
-- import Nix.TH
import Options.Applicative hiding (ParserResult(..))
import System.IO
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ((<$>))
data Options = Options
{ verbose :: Bool
, debug :: Bool
, evaluate :: Bool
, check :: Bool
, parse :: Bool
, parseOnly :: Bool
, ignoreErrors :: Bool
, expression :: Maybe Text
, fromFile :: Maybe FilePath
, filePaths :: [FilePath]
mainOptions :: Parser Options
mainOptions = Options
<$> switch
( short 'v'
<> long "verbose"
<> help "Verbose output")
<*> switch
( short 'd'
<> long "debug"
<> help "Debug output")
<*> switch
( long "eval"
<> help "Whether to evaluate, or just pretty-print")
<*> switch
( long "check"
<> help "Whether to check for syntax errors after parsing")
<*> switch
( long "parse"
<> help "Whether to parse the file (also the default right now)")
<*> switch
( long "parse-only"
<> help "Whether to parse only, no pretty printing or checking")
<*> switch
( long "ignore-errors"
<> help "Continue parsing files, even if there are errors")
<*> optional (strOption
( short 'E'
<> long "expr"
<> help "Expression to parse or evaluate"))
<*> optional (strOption
( short 'f'
<> long "file"
<> help "Parse all of the files given in FILE; - means stdin"))
<*> many (strArgument (metavar "FILE" <> help "Path of file to parse"))
main :: IO ()
main = do
opts <- execParser optsDef
case expression opts of
Just s -> handleResult opts Nothing (parseNixTextLoc s)
Nothing -> case fromFile opts of
Just "-" ->
mapM_ (processFile opts) =<< (lines <$> getContents)
Just path ->
mapM_ (processFile opts) =<< (lines <$> readFile path)
Nothing -> case filePaths opts of
[] ->
handleResult opts Nothing . parseNixTextLoc
=<< Text.getContents
["-"] ->
handleResult opts Nothing . parseNixTextLoc
=<< Text.getContents
paths ->
mapM_ (processFile opts) paths
optsDef :: ParserInfo Options
optsDef = info (helper <*> mainOptions)
(fullDesc <> progDesc "" <> header "hnix")
processFile opts path = do
-- putStrLn "Parsing file..."
eres <- parseNixFileLoc path
handleResult opts (Just path) eres
-- print . printNix =<< Nix.eval [nix|1 + 3|]
handleResult opts mpath = \case
Failure err ->
(if ignoreErrors opts
then hPutStrLn stderr
else errorWithoutStackTrace) $ "Parse failed: " ++ show err
Success expr -> Exc.catch (process expr) $ \case
NixEvalException msg -> errorWithoutStackTrace msg
process expr = do
-- expr <- Exc.evaluate $ force expr
-- putStrLn "Parsing file...done"
when (check opts) $
putStrLn $ runST $ Nix.runLintM . renderSymbolic
=<< Nix.lint (stripAnnotation expr)
if | evaluate opts, debug opts ->
print =<< Nix.tracingEvalLoc mpath expr
| evaluate opts ->
putStrLn . printNix =<< Nix.evalLoc mpath expr
| debug opts ->
print $ stripAnnotation expr
| parseOnly opts ->
void $ Exc.evaluate $ force expr
| otherwise ->
displayIO stdout
. renderPretty 0.4 80
. prettyNix
. stripAnnotation $ expr