2018-03-30 23:10:44 -07:00

57 lines
1.6 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Nix.Lint (checkExpr) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Fix
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map
import Nix.Atoms
import Nix.Eval
import Nix.Expr
import Nix.Monad
nullVal :: MonadNix m => m (NValue m)
nullVal = return $ NVConstant NNull
-- | Evaluate an nix expression, with a given ValueSet as environment
checkExpr :: MonadNix m => NExpr -> m ()
checkExpr = cata check
check :: MonadNix m => NExprF (m ()) -> m ()
check (NSym var) = lookupVar var >>= \case
Nothing -> error $ "lint: Undefined variable: " ++ show var
Just _ -> return ()
check (NSet binds) =
void $ evalBinds True False (fmap (fmap (const nullVal)) binds)
check (NRecSet binds) =
void $ evalBinds True True (fmap (fmap (const nullVal)) binds)
check (NLet binds e) =
(`pushScope` e)
=<< evalBinds True True (fmap (fmap (const nullVal)) binds)
-- check (NWith _scope e) = do
-- env <- currentScope
-- pushScope env e
check (NAbs a b) = do
nv <- buildThunk nullVal
case a of
Param name ->
pushScope (Map.singleton name nv) b
ParamSet (FixedParamSet s) Nothing ->
pushScope (nv <$ s) b
ParamSet (FixedParamSet s) (Just m) ->
pushScope (Map.insert m nv (nv <$ s)) b
ParamSet (VariadicParamSet s) Nothing ->
pushScope (nv <$ s) b
ParamSet (VariadicParamSet s) (Just m) ->
pushScope (Map.insert m nv (nv <$ s)) b
-- In order to check some of the other operations properly, we'd need static
-- typing
check _ = return ()