Eelco Dolstra b119dd279e * Equivalence class consolidation. This solves the problem that when
we combine closures built by different users, the resulting set may
  contain multiple paths from the same output path equivalence class.

  For instance, if we do

    $ NIX_USER_ID=foo nix-env -i libXext
    $ NIX_USER_ID=root nix-env -i libXt
    $ NIX_USER_ID=foo nix-env -i libXmu

  (where libXmu depends on libXext and libXt, who both depend on
  libX11), then the following will happen:

    * User foo builds libX11 and libXext because they don't exist
    * User root builds libX11 and libXt because the latter doesn't
      exist yet, while the former *does* exist but cannot be trusted.
      The instance of libX11 built by root will almost certainly
      differ from the one built by foo, so they are stored in separate
    * User foo builds libXmu, which requires libXext and libXt.  Foo
      has trusted copies of both (libXext was built by himself, while
      libXt was built by root, who is trusted by foo).  So libXmu is
      built with foo's libXext and root's libXt as inputs.

    * The resulting libXmu will link against two copies of libX11,
      namely the one used by foo's libXext and the one used by root's
      libXt.  This is bad semantically (it's observable behaviour, and
      might well lead to build time or runtime failure (e.g.,
      duplicate definitions of symbols)) and in terms of efficiency
      (the closure of libXmu contains two copies of libX11, so both
      must be deployed).

  The problem is to apply hash rewriting to "consolidate" the set of
  input paths to a build.  The invariant we wish to maintain is that
  any closure may contain at most one path from each equivalence
  So in the case of a collision, we select one path from each class,
  and *rewrite* all paths in that set to point only to paths in that
  set.  For instance, in the example above, we can rewrite foo's
  libXext to link against root's libX11.  That is, the hash part of
  foo's libX11 is replaced by the hash part of root's libX11.

  The hard part is to figure out which path to select from each
  class.  Some selections may be cheaper than others (i.e., require
  fewer rewrites).  The current implementation is rather dumb: it
  tries all possible selections, and picks the cheapest.  This is an
  exponential time algorithm.

  There certainly are more efficient common-case (heuristical)
  approaches.  But I don't know yet if there is a worst-case
  polynomial time algorithm.
2005-05-30 10:49:00 +00:00

259 lines
7.5 KiB

#ifndef __STORE_H
#define __STORE_H
#include <string>
#include "hash.hh"
#include "db.hh"
using namespace std;
const int nixSchemaVersion = 2;
/* Path hashes are the hash components of store paths, e.g., the
`zvhgns772jpj68l40mq1jb74wpfsf0ma' in
`/nix/store/zvhgns772jpj68l40mq1jb74wpfsf0ma-glibc'. These are
truncated SHA-256 hashes of the path contents, */
struct PathHash
string rep;
PathHash(const Hash & h);
PathHash(const string & h);
string toString() const;
bool PathHash::isNull() const;
bool operator ==(const PathHash & hash2) const;
bool operator <(const PathHash & hash2) const;
#if 0
/* A substitute is a program invocation that constructs some store
path (typically by fetching it from somewhere, e.g., from the
network). */
struct Substitute
/* The derivation that built this store path (empty if none). */
Path deriver;
/* Program to be executed to create the store path. Must be in
the output path of `storeExpr'. */
Path program;
/* Extra arguments to be passed to the program (the first argument
is the store path to be substituted). */
Strings args;
bool operator == (const Substitute & sub) const;
typedef list<Substitute> Substitutes;
/* A trust identifier, which is a name of an entity involved in a
trust relation. Right now this is just a user ID (e.g.,
`root'). */
typedef string TrustId;
/* An output path equivalence class. They represent outputs of
derivations. That is, a derivation can have several outputs (e.g.,
`out', `lib', `man', etc.), each of which maps to a output path
equivalence class. They can map to a number of concrete paths,
depending on what users built the derivation.
Equivalence classes are actually "placeholder" store paths that
never get built. They do occur in derivations however in
command-line arguments and environment variables, but get
substituted with concrete paths when we actually build. */
typedef Path OutputEqClass;
typedef set<OutputEqClass> OutputEqClasses;
/* A member of an output path equivalence class, i.e., a store path
that has been produced by a certain derivation. */
struct OutputEqMember
TrustId trustId;
Path path;
typedef list<OutputEqMember> OutputEqMembers;
/* Open the database environment. */
void openDB();
/* Create the required database tables. */
void initDB();
/* Get a transaction object. */
void createStoreTransaction(Transaction & txn);
/* Copy a path recursively. */
void copyPath(const Path & src, const Path & dst);
#if 0
/* Register a substitute. */
void registerSubstitute(const Transaction & txn,
const Path & srcPath, const Substitute & sub);
/* Return the substitutes for the given path. */
Substitutes querySubstitutes(const Transaction & txn, const Path & srcPath);
/* Deregister all substitutes. */
void clearSubstitutes();
/* Register the validity of a path, i.e., that `path' exists, that the
paths referenced by it exists, and in the case of an output path of
a derivation, that it has been produced by a succesful execution of
the derivation (or something equivalent). Also register the hash
of the file system contents of the path. The hash must be a
SHA-256 hash. */
void registerValidPath(const Transaction & txn,
const Path & path, const Hash & hash, const PathSet & references,
const Path & deriver);
struct ValidPathInfo
Path path;
Path deriver;
Hash hash;
PathSet references;
typedef list<ValidPathInfo> ValidPathInfos;
void registerValidPaths(const Transaction & txn,
const ValidPathInfos & infos);
/* Throw an exception if `path' is not directly in the Nix store. */
void assertStorePath(const Path & path);
bool isInStore(const Path & path);
bool isStorePath(const Path & path);
void checkStoreName(const string & name);
/* Chop off the parts after the top-level store name, e.g.,
/nix/store/abcd-foo/bar => /nix/store/abcd-foo. */
Path toStorePath(const Path & path);
PathHash hashPartOf(const Path & path);
string namePartOf(const Path & path);
/* "Fix", or canonicalise, the meta-data of the files in a store path
after it has been built. In particular:
- the last modification date on each file is set to 0 (i.e.,
00:00:00 1/1/1970 UTC)
- the permissions are set of 444 or 555 (i.e., read-only with or
without execute permission; setuid bits etc. are cleared)
- the owner and group are set to the Nix user and group, if we're
in a setuid Nix installation. */
void canonicalisePathMetaData(const Path & path);
/* Checks whether a path is valid. */
bool isValidPathTxn(const Transaction & txn, const Path & path);
bool isValidPath(const Path & path);
/* Queries the hash of a valid path. */
Hash queryPathHash(const Path & path);
/* Sets the set of outgoing FS references for a store path. Use with
care! */
void setReferences(const Transaction & txn, const Path & storePath,
const PathSet & references);
/* Queries the set of outgoing FS references for a store path. The
result is not cleared. */
void queryReferences(const Transaction & txn,
const Path & storePath, PathSet & references);
/* Queries the set of incoming FS references for a store path. The
result is not cleared. */
void queryReferers(const Transaction & txn,
const Path & storePath, PathSet & referers);
void addOutputEqMember(const Transaction & txn,
const OutputEqClass & eqClass, const TrustId & trustId,
const Path & path);
void queryOutputEqMembers(const Transaction & txn,
const OutputEqClass & eqClass, OutputEqMembers & members);
void queryOutputEqClasses(const Transaction & txn,
const Path & path, OutputEqClasses & classes);
#if 0
/* Sets the deriver of a store path. Use with care! */
void setDeriver(const Transaction & txn, const Path & storePath,
const Path & deriver);
/* Query the deriver of a store path. Return the empty string if no
deriver has been set. */
Path queryDeriver(const Transaction & txn, const Path & storePath);
/* Constructs a unique store path name. */
void makeStorePath(const Hash & contentHash, const string & suffix,
Path & path, PathHash & pathHash);
/* Constructs a random store path name. Only to be used for temporary
build outputs, since these will violate the hash invariant. */
Path makeRandomStorePath(const string & suffix);
/* Hash rewriting. */
typedef map<PathHash, PathHash> HashRewrites;
string rewriteHashes(string s, const HashRewrites & rewrites,
vector<int> & positions);
string rewriteHashes(const string & s, const HashRewrites & rewrites);
/* Copy the contents of a path to the store and register the validity
the resulting path. The resulting path is returned. */
Path addToStore(const Path & srcPath, const PathHash & selfHash = PathHash(),
const string & suffix = "", const PathSet & references = PathSet(),
const HashRewrites & rewrites = HashRewrites());
#if 0
/* Like addToStore(), but for pre-adding the outputs of fixed-output
derivations. */
Path addToStoreFixed(bool recursive, string hashAlgo, const Path & srcPath);
Path makeFixedOutputPath(bool recursive,
string hashAlgo, Hash hash, string name);
/* Like addToStore, but the contents written to the output path is a
regular file containing the given string. */
Path addTextToStore(const string & suffix, const string & s,
const PathSet & references);
/* Delete a value from the nixStore directory. */
void deleteFromStore(const Path & path);
void verifyStore(bool checkContents);
#endif /* !__STORE_H */