2023-09-26 00:42:23 +02:00

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nix-store --realise - build or fetch store objects


nix-store {--realise | -r} paths… [--dry-run]


Each of paths is processed as follows:

If no substitutes are available and no store derivation is given, realisation fails.

The resulting paths are printed on standard output. For non-derivation arguments, the argument itself is printed.

{{#include ../}}


  • --dry-run
    Print on standard error a description of what packages would be built or downloaded, without actually performing the operation.

  • --ignore-unknown
    If a non-derivation path does not have a substitute, then silently ignore it.

  • --check
    This option allows you to check whether a derivation is deterministic. It rebuilds the specified derivation and checks whether the result is bitwise-identical with the existing outputs, printing an error if thats not the case. The outputs of the specified derivation must already exist. When used with -K, if an output path is not identical to the corresponding output from the previous build, the new output path is left in /nix/store/name.check.

{{#include ./}}

{{#include ../}}

{{#include ../}}


This operation is typically used to build store derivations produced by nix-instantiate:

$ nix-store --realise $(nix-instantiate ./test.nix)

This is essentially what nix-build does.

To test whether a previously-built derivation is deterministic:

$ nix-build '<nixpkgs>' --attr hello --check -K

Use nix-store --read-log to show the stderr and stdout of a build:

$ nix-store --read-log $(nix-instantiate ./test.nix)