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Installing a Binary Distribution

The easiest way to install Nix is to run the following command:

$ sh <(curl -L

This will run the installer interactively (causing it to explain what it is doing more explicitly), and perform the default "type" of install for your platform:

  • single-user on Linux

  • multi-user on macOS

    Notes on read-only filesystem root in macOS 10.15 Catalina +

    • It took some time to support this cleanly. You may see posts, examples, and tutorials using obsolete workarounds.
    • Supporting it cleanly made macOS installs too complex to qualify as single-user, so this type is no longer supported on macOS.

We recommend the multi-user install if it supports your platform and you can authenticate with sudo.

Single User Installation

To explicitly select a single-user installation on your system:

$ sh <(curl -L --no-daemon

This will perform a single-user installation of Nix, meaning that /nix is owned by the invoking user. You can run this under your usual user account or root. The script will invoke sudo to create /nix if it doesnt already exist. If you dont have sudo, you should manually create /nix first as root, e.g.:

$ mkdir /nix
$ chown alice /nix

The install script will modify the first writable file from amongst .bash_profile, .bash_login and .profile to source ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ You can set the NIX_INSTALLER_NO_MODIFY_PROFILE environment variable before executing the install script to disable this behaviour.

You can uninstall Nix simply by running:

$ rm -rf /nix

Multi User Installation

The multi-user Nix installation creates system users, and a system service for the Nix daemon.

Supported Systems

  • Linux running systemd, with SELinux disabled
  • macOS

You can instruct the installer to perform a multi-user installation on your system:

$ sh <(curl -L --daemon

The multi-user installation of Nix will create build users between the user IDs 30001 and 30032, and a group with the group ID 30000. You can run this under your usual user account or root. The script will invoke sudo as needed.


If you need Nix to use a different group ID or user ID set, you will have to download the tarball manually and edit the install script.

The installer will modify /etc/bashrc, and /etc/zshrc if they exist. The installer will first back up these files with a .backup-before-nix extension. The installer will also create /etc/profile.d/



sudo rm -rf /etc/profile/ /etc/nix /nix ~root/.nix-profile ~root/.nix-defexpr ~root/.nix-channels ~/.nix-profile ~/.nix-defexpr ~/.nix-channels

# If you are on Linux with systemd, you will need to run:
sudo systemctl stop nix-daemon.socket
sudo systemctl stop nix-daemon.service
sudo systemctl disable nix-daemon.socket
sudo systemctl disable nix-daemon.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

There may also be references to Nix in /etc/profile, /etc/bashrc, and /etc/zshrc which you may remove.


  1. Edit /etc/zshrc and /etc/bashrc to remove the lines sourcing, which should look like this:

    # Nix
    if [ -e '/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/profile.d/' ]; then
      . '/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/profile.d/'
    # End Nix

    If these files haven't been altered since installing Nix you can simply put the backups back in place:

    sudo mv /etc/zshrc.backup-before-nix /etc/zshrc
    sudo mv /etc/bashrc.backup-before-nix /etc/bashrc

    This will stop shells from sourcing the file and bringing everything you installed using Nix in scope.

  2. Stop and remove the Nix daemon services:

    sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.nixos.nix-daemon.plist
    sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.nixos.nix-daemon.plist
    sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.nixos.darwin-store.plist
    sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.nixos.darwin-store.plist

    This stops the Nix daemon and prevents it from being started next time you boot the system.

  3. Remove the nixbld group and the _nixbuildN users:

    sudo dscl . -delete /Groups/nixbld
    for u in $(sudo dscl . -list /Users | grep _nixbld); do sudo dscl . -delete /Users/$u; done

    This will remove all the build users that no longer serve a purpose.

  4. Edit fstab using sudo vifs to remove the line mounting the Nix Store volume on /nix, which looks like this, LABEL=Nix\040Store /nix apfs rw,nobrowse. This will prevent automatic mounting of the Nix Store volume.

  5. Edit /etc/synthetic.conf to remove the nix line. If this is the only line in the file you can remove it entirely, sudo rm /etc/synthetic.conf. This will prevent the creation of the empty /nix directory to provide a mountpoint for the Nix Store volume.

  6. Remove the files Nix added to your system:

    sudo rm -rf /etc/nix /var/root/.nix-profile /var/root/.nix-defexpr /var/root/.nix-channels ~/.nix-profile ~/.nix-defexpr ~/.nix-channels

    This gets rid of any data Nix may have created except for the store which is removed next.

  7. Remove the Nix Store volume:

    sudo diskutil apfs deleteVolume /nix

    This will remove the Nix Store volume and everything that was added to the store.


After you complete the steps here, you will still have an empty /nix directory. This is an expected sign of a successful uninstall. The empty /nix directory will disappear the next time you reboot.

You do not have to reboot to finish uninstalling Nix. The uninstall is complete. macOS (Catalina+) directly controls root directories and its read-only root will prevent you from manually deleting the empty /nix mountpoint.

macOS Installation


We believe we have ironed out how to cleanly support the read-only root on modern macOS. New installs will do this automatically, and you can also re-run a new installer to convert your existing setup.

This section previously detailed the situation, options, and trade-offs, but it now only outlines what the installer does. You don't need to know this to run the installer, but it may help if you run into trouble:

  • create a new APFS volume for your Nix store
  • update /etc/synthetic.conf to direct macOS to create a "synthetic" empty root directory to mount your volume
  • specify mount options for the volume in /etc/fstab
    • rw: read-write
    • noauto: prevent the system from auto-mounting the volume (so the LaunchDaemon mentioned below can control mounting it, and to avoid masking problems with that mounting service).
    • nobrowse: prevent the Nix Store volume from showing up on your desktop; also keeps Spotlight from spending resources to index this volume
    • if you have FileVault enabled
      • generate an encryption password
      • put it in your system Keychain
      • use it to encrypt the volume
  • create a system LaunchDaemon to mount this volume early enough in the boot process to avoid problems loading or restoring any programs that need access to your Nix store

Installing a pinned Nix version from a URL hosts version-specific installation URLs for all Nix versions since 1.11.16, at

These install scripts can be used the same as the main installation script:

$ sh <(curl -L

In the same directory of the install script are sha256 sums, and gpg signature files.

Installing from a binary tarball

You can also download a binary tarball that contains Nix and all its dependencies. (This is what the install script at does automatically.) You should unpack it somewhere (e.g. in /tmp), and then run the script named install inside the binary tarball:

$ cd /tmp
$ tar xfj nix-1.8-x86_64-darwin.tar.bz2
$ cd nix-1.8-x86_64-darwin
$ ./install

If you need to edit the multi-user installation script to use different group ID or a different user ID range, modify the variables set in the file named install-multi-user.