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Pleroma on NixOS: OTP Release

Quick Start

Add your pleroma configuration to /etc/pleroma/config.exs, make sure it's readable by the pleroma user.

You can then use the following example to get started.

{ pkgs, ... }:
  pleromaModuleSrc = builtins.fetchTarball {
    url = "";
    sha256 = "0kli4n7jsqk485hgqfp8px5byl6n115cjk2w4i7jnii6h9791q6q";
  imports = [ "${pleromaModuleSrc}/modules/pleroma.nix" ]

  security.acme = {
    email = "root@tld";
    acceptTerms = true;
    certs = {
      "" = {
        webroot = "/var/www/";
        email = "root@tld";
        group = "nginx";

  services = {
    pleroma.enable = true;
    postgresql = {
      enable = true;
      package = pkgs.postgresql_12;

    nginx = {
      enable = true;
      virtualHosts."" = {
        addSSL = true;
        sslCertificate = "/var/lib/acme/";
        sslCertificateKey = "/var/lib/acme/";
        root = "/var/www/";
        # ACME endpoint
        locations."/.well-known/acme-challenge" = {
            root = "/var/www/";
        locations."/" = {
          proxyPass = "http://localhost:4000";
          extraConfig = ''
            # if you do not want remote frontends to be able to access your Pleroma backend
            # server, remove these lines.
            add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*' always;
            add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'POST, PUT, DELETE, GET, PATCH, OPTIONS' always;
            add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'Authorization, Content-Type, Idempotency-Key' always;
            add_header 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers' 'Link, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-Request-Id' always;
            if ($request_method = OPTIONS) {
                return 204;
            # stop removing lines here.

            add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";
            add_header X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies none;
            add_header X-Frame-Options DENY;
            add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
            add_header Referrer-Policy same-origin;
            add_header X-Download-Options noopen;

            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
            proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
            proxy_set_header Host $host;

            client_max_body_size 16m;

Pleroma Configuration Management

File Configuration

Pleroma is expecting its configuration to be found at /etc/pleroma/config.exs. This configuration file is containing some secrets, the Nix store being world-readable, it seems like storing the pleroma conf there is a pretty bad idea.

Meaning, this module won't handle this configuration file for you, you have to do it manually. From here, two options:

  1. You are migrating a src-based install (mix-based). You can re-use your $src_root/config/prod.secret.exs file. Change the use Mix.Config statement with use Config.
  2. This is a brand new installation. In that case you can use pleroma_ctl instance gen --output config.exs --output-psql setup.psql, this will prompt you some questions and will generate both your config file and database initial migration. Note: pleroma_ctl will be in your system path as soon as you enable the pleroma service. You can alternatively build it by building this repo's default.nix derivation.

Database Configuration

If it's not already done, you need to seed your pleroma postgresql database.

Using the setup.psql file generated in the previous section, you can load the seed with sudo -u postgres psql -f seed.psql.

Open Questions

  • In this module, we decided not to try any kind of magical conf on the Nginx-side. Web server configurations can quickly get pretty custom, letting the admin handle it seems like the best thing to do to me. On top of that, a lot of directives we're using are not covered by the NixOS Nginx module, we have to make a heavy use of extraConfig, making the whole config not easily overrideable. However, the Nginx block config is quite huge, there's maybe something smarter to do.
  • The configuration file contains some secrets. On top of that, the config file format is a pure Elixir file, making it poor candidate for a RFC042 -style settings attributeset. Because of that, I kinda chicken out and decided to keep the conf file management 100% out of this module. There's probably a better middle ground here. Something allowing us to keep the secret part (db password, endpoint secret key) out of the store while leveraging the module system for the less secret configuration settings. Maybe the solution is to leverage Elixir's import system?

Update Pleroma to a New Version

We're retrieving the binary distribution directly from the GitLab CI pipeline.

To find the latest and greatest bindist stable URL, you have to visit, clicky click on the CI status and find the amd64 release link.